Date-Month-Year Title
12-11-2013 Telford UK IPMS International ScaleModelworld show by Jim Baumann
Almost live at the Thin Air Nationals Part 1, Part 2, Part 3Part 4.
28-07-2013 USS Olympia, on display in Philadelphia by Peter Van Buren
13-07-2013 Building the 1/700 Revell DKM Tirpitz by Frank Spahr
13-06-2013 Scratchbuilding the Carrack Santo Amaro de Beja in 1/700 scale by Neal Callen Clarke
07-06-2013 Scratchbuilding the Spanish AA Cruiser Mendez Nunez by Fran Romero
21-05-2013 Building the FGS F 215 Graf Spee by Frank Spahr
Appano Model Contest (South Tyrol - Italy)
By Luciano Rizzato
MODEL FEST 2013 - Sponsored by IPMS West Central Missouri 
Saturday May 4, 2013 by Carl Musselman
FLEACON 2013 - Sponsored by IPMS Alexander Lippisch Chapter
Saturday April 27th, Cedar Rapids, Iowa by Carl Musselman
17-04-2013 Building a model of the cruiser 'Novik' in 1/700 by Jim Baumann
16-04-2013 SUGICON 2013 - Sponsored by IPMS West Des Moines "Plastic Surgeons" by Carl Musselman
29-03-2013 Building the USS Duxbury Bay AVP-38 by Carl Musselman
17-03-20013 IPMS/USA REGION 5 SHOW - Sponsored by Mad City Modelers  by Carl Musselman
05-03-2013 Building the Trumpeter / Pit-Road kit of HMS Renown in 1942 fit, by Frank Spahr