Reviewed by Timothy Dike |
The USS Gato was the lead boat of a new class of submarines
that were built in large numbers during world war two. Although small by
today's standards, the Gato class of Fleet Submarines were the first to
carry the fight to the coast of Japan. They had a devastating impact on
the Japanese merchant marine in WW II and helped choke off the supply lines
to the home islands. The Gato class improved upon the previous Tambor class
and were highly successful. These large submarines had a long range and
could carry a large load of torpedoes. These subs were deployed mostly
in the Pacific theater as the other Axis powers were not as dependent on
shipping. The Gato were a formidable weapon limited in success only by
the poor performing torpedoes used in 1942.
This older kit originally produced by Blue Water Navy lives on under
the Yankee Model Works banner. The kit represents a late war fit of the
USS Gato class with the cut down sail. The entire hull and sail are all
cast as one piece so there is not a lot of major construction to be done
here. The castings is pretty good, although there is a rather long pouring
gate that must be removed along the keel. The surface detail features nice
deck planking and numerous limber holes all along the hull. |
Click images
to enlarge
The manufacture states "the deck and sail are reproduced to the exact plans
used by Electric Boat". I don't have any Gato plans but it appears the
kit matches the photos in Steve
Wipers Gato Class book.
The small parts are a mix of resin and white metal. They feature the
gun mounts, and propeller struts. Detail on these parts is ok, but not
up to the standard found in newer YMK kits. |
A full photo etch fret is included with the dive plans, propellers,
and other fine details. There are railings, and even individual stantions,
something more common in larger scales. Brass rod is included to make the
periscopes. |
A single sheet is provided to help you build your ship.
It includes a numbered list of parts and they are pointed out on the plan
and elevation views. A few exploded views or 3D drawings or photos would
really help here.
This is Kit #YKM-35036 USN Gato Class Submarine SS 212 USS Gato (1944)
with a list price of $60.00, but can typically be found online for less.
If you like subs and are not satisfied with the limited detail found on
most plastic kits, then check out Yankee
Modelworks for much more. They produce more accurate sub kits in 1/350
than anyone else I know. |