by Vladimir Yakubov
Some of the longest serving battleships in the world, the Gangut
(or as the were known in the Russian navy - Sevastopol) class ships
had eventful careers. They fought in four wars, took part in three
revolutions and outlived all but one of their contemporaries while losing
50% of the class in the process.
Four battleships of the class (Petropavlovsk, Sevastopol, Gangut
and Poltava - named after famous Russian battles) were laid down
in June 1909 and at the time were some of the most powerful battleships
designed. Unfortunately their long building times meant that by the
time they entered service in November 1914 British Queen Elisabeth
class battleships were nearing completion, and they were becoming obsolete.
They displaced 23,300 tons, had top speed of 24 knots and were armed with
twelve powerful 12" guns in four triple turrets. Their guns were
the most powerful 12" guns used in WWI with the heaviest shell of any 12"
gun before American Alaska class in 1940s, another distinctive feature
of the design was the fact that the guns elevated to 25 degrees where most
of their contemporaries only managed 12 to 15 degree elevation. Their
most interesting feature was the armor scheme which was uniquely Russian
and was a direct consequence of the defeat at Tsushima. At Tsushima
Russian ships were turned into burning pyres by the rain of Japanese HE
shells hitting their unarmored sides, while even modest armor was not penetrated
by them. So as a consequence of that Russian navy theorized that
the best way to protect a Battleship is to armor as much of the hull as
possible with modest armor, so in a complete antithesis to the American
All-or-Nothing scheme almost entire hull was armored, but the main belt
was only 225mm thick. While this was justifiable in the view of the
performance of German and British shells at Jutland, later in their careers
when AP shells that actually worked appeared they became woefully underarmored.
All four ships entered service within 2 months of each other in November
1914 - January 1915. Throughout WWI they patrolled the minefield
positions at the mouth of the Gulf of Finland, only venturing out of the
gulf twice, when Petropavlovsk and Gangut covered minelaying
operations in near Gotland in Oct-Nov 1915. Since they were the only
Russian dreadnought type battleships in the Baltic, Russian high command
was very reluctant to risk them and they never fired their guns at the
enemy in anger during the war. That also led to their bored crews
being involved in revolutionary activities. There was a minor mutiny
on board two of them in 1915 and their crews took active part in both March
and October 1917 Revolutions. All four ships took part in the
epic Ice Voyage in March 1918 when the ships of the Russian Navy were withdrawn
back to Kronshtadt from their forward bases through the ice covered Gulf
of Finland to prevent them from being captured by the advancing Germans.
After that due to the start of the Civil War all but one of them (Petropavlovsk)
were placed in reserve.
In a tragic twist of fate the ships that never fired at the Germans
during WWI, were used to fire on fellow Russians and the former allies
during the Civil War. First, on 31 May 1919 as one of the few operational
ships of the Red Navy in the Baltic Petropavlovsk was covering a
reconnaissance of the British forces by Red Navy destroyer Azard,
when they were attacked by 8 British destroyers. Petropavlovsk
was able to drive them off, but no ships on either side were hit.
This, surprisingly, was the only time in their 42 year long careers when
any of the Gangut class battleships were involved in the ships to
ship action. In June 1919 the garrisons of the two forts on the Southern
coast of the Gulf of Finland mutinied against the Soviets and Petropavlovsk
involved in shelling them into submission. In August 1919 the British
claimed to have sunk Petropavlovsk in a MTB raid on Kronshtadt.
That myth has persisted until the end of the cold war, but in reality the
torpedo missed and hit the pier next to the ship. In November 1919
the class suffered its first loss when Poltava, that has been ostensibly
placed in reserve, but in reality was all but abandoned pier side caught
fire and burned for over a day and half. The resulting damage was
so great that despite that fact that the hull was kept around until after
WWII and there were periodic half hearted attempts to repair the ship,
it was never operational again. Last time the ships were in action
during the Civil War was in March 1921, when they went into action on the
anti-government side. In March 1921 the sailors of the Kronshtadt
Naval Base mutinied, led mostly by the battleship crews, and declared their
intention to start a third revolution. In the ironic change the forts
that they helped silence in 1919 now fired on them on the side of the government.
Despite heavy fire from the battleships (almost 700 12" rounds were fired
by them), the mutiny was crushed in 8 days. The ships were subsequently
renamed - Gangut to Oktyabr'skaya Revolutsiya, Sevastopol
to Parizhskaya Kommuna, Petropavlovsk to Marat and
to Frunze.
Next several years the ships were mostly in reserve, but starting from
1922-24 they were slowly being repaired and brought back into operational
readiness. Several years of routine maneuvers followed as Red Navy
was rebuilding itself. In 1929 Parizhskaya Kommuna along with
a cruiser Profintern left Baltic for the last time and transited
to the Black Sea (the only time the ships of this class visited and ocean).
Starting from 1931 until 1938 these three ships were being slowly modernized.
Superstructures were build up, boilers replaced and AA guns added. Parizhskaya
Kommuna was modernized the most - mid-deck armor was strengthened from
25mm to 76mm, gun elevation was increased to 40 degrees, and anti-torpedo
bulges were added which brought the displacement up to almost 31,000 tons.
Baltic ships were also modernized, but to the lesser extent.
Baltic ships were active during the Winter War shelling Finnish positions
and coast defense batteries. Two ships fired almost 400 12" rounds
at the Finns during the conflict. All three ships were active in
WWII, through not in the same way as the ships of the other navies - instead
of the ocean operations, they were used a floating batteries due to the
nature of the conflict in the East. In September 1941 both Baltic
ships were extremely active in support of the defenders of Leningrad. Marat
alone fired 1042 12" shells in the span of eight days. They also
faced some of the heaviest air strikes faced by any ships during WWII,
each sustaining several damaging but non-disabling hits. On 23 September
1941 Marat was hit by two 500 or 1000kg bombs, which pierced the
deck armor and caused the explosion of the forward 12" magazine.
The entire forward third of the ship was destroyed, 326 men died and the
ship settled to the bottom of the harbor (which fortunately was only two
meter below the bottom of the ship). Yet amazingly two aft turrets
of the ship remained operational and on October 31 they were back in action.
By mid 1942 the #2 turret was also repaired. Both ships were active
throughout the Blockade and Oktyabr'skaya Revolutsiya was the last
ship of the class to fire its gun in anger when it shelled Finnish positions
on 9 June 1944 (and obtained two direct hits on the concrete strong points
at the distance of 30,000 meters).
In the Black Sea Parizhskaya Kommuna was active until mid-1943,
shelling German troops and delivering supplies to besieged Sevastopol.
Throughout the war the AA armament of the ships continued to increase and
by the bend of the war Oktyabr'skaya Revolutsiya carried twelve
76mm, twenty 37mm guns and sixteen 12.7mm machine guns. By the end
of 1943 both Parizhskaya Kommuna and Marat reverted to their
old names, while after the war what was left of Marat was renamed
These ships had an active post war life as training ships, even Volkhov
survived until 1952 as a non-selfpropelled school ship, while the other
two sisters were stricken in 1956 |
The Models
by Vladimir Yakubov and Jim Baumann
After the recent IPMS UK Nationals I had a great pleasure to spend several
days at Jim's house. Both of us being avid Russian navy enthusiasts
we couldn't help but talk about the ships (and their models) of the Russian
navy. He let me look at his vast collection of un-built ship kits.
Among them were four different kits of the Gangut class, which I couldn't
help but put side by side. Below are the sad results of that comparison.
There are four kit of the ships on the market right now, all in
1/700 scale. Two kits represent the ships in their 1914 configuration
and two represent the modified ships as they appeared in WWII. The
kits are:
Kombrig Gangut as built (1914) - (GG)
Kombrig Parizhskaya Kommuna in its WWII fit (box says
1924, but that is wrong) - (PC)
WSW Petropavlovsk as built (1914) - (PP)
HP Oktyabr'skaya Revolutsiya as in 1940 (OR)
In this review we are going to concentrate on three things - hulls,
turrets and stacks since everything else is a) specific to each ship and
b) is relatively easy to scratchbuilt if needed. |
Kombrig Gangut:
As can be seen from the above table this hull is undersized in every
dimension, but looking at it with a naked eye, it is perhaps the best hull
proportion vise. The narrowness of the waterline can be fixed somewhat
by adding an armored belt which is omitted from the kit (about 0.5mm on
each side), which would bring the width up to 35.5mm or 1/757 scale, still
too narrow but in proportion with the deck width (it seems the master maker
forgot about the tumblehome and used the deck plan for the waterline outline).
When put against the plans scaled down to 1/728th the ship lays down perfectly
with everything being in the right place except for the forward barbette,
which is about 2mm too far forward. The detailing on the hull is
rather crude and simple (it being one of the early Kombrig kits), but it
is relatively easy to fix. The deck planking is simulated, but the
cross deck planking is not (which is good, since it is easy to simulate
using Jim's technique of simply drawing them with a pencil).
Overall this is a best hull, if you do not care about the scale. |
WSW Petropavlovsk:
The best detailed hull of the bunch, with lots of detail, most of which
is in the right place (between the forward and aft superstructure, aft
and forward of that it starts getting stretched). Unfortunately it
is very heavily rendered, heavy enough to remind me of the famous Matchbox
trenched on their aircraft kits. The hull is also oversized, which
makes it look too massive, including being too tall (1mm over the lightest
draft freeboard, which is noticeable) and too wide at the deck. Both
the deck planking and the cross deck planking is simulated, but it is so
deep that they look like trenches (especially on the cross deck planking).
With all of its problems it is still the second best hull of the bunch. |
As you can see from the above, sadly, all of the kits are pretty badly
flawed. If you want a truly accurate 1/700 scale Gangut class battleship
you will have to scratchbuild it yourself. Of the four kits, I think
that Kombrig Gangut comes the closest, if you don't mind the 1/728th scale.
It has the most accurate proportions and details. WSW Petropavlovsk
comes in second, especially is you factor in the price, which is twice
as much as Gangut. It would probably be the fastest built out all
four, since extra detail would have to be added to Gangut to bring it up
to par. Two of the modernized ships are junk. HP Okt Rev would
have been the best kit of them all, but for the price that HP want for
their kit, to have to do all the extra work is outrageous. Recommend
it only if you don't mind redoing the deck and all of the deck detail.
Kombrig Par Kom is just a piece of junk with no redeeming features, avoid
it like a plague. |