This set includes one medium and one large tug. They are not modeled
after a specific prototype but are intended to represent a generic harbor
tug of the 40's though they could be used for many other eras. Both kits
are molded cleanly with nice surface detail. This kit is basically an upgrade
of an earlier all resin version. A new photo etch fret is provided with
the option of building up the superstructure out of PE instead of using
the resin parts. |
The medium tug has some awesome fenders cast along
the bow and sides. Both tugs have nice bollard detail cast on. |
Click images
to enlarge |
More nicely cast superstructure parts here. The funnel is hollowed
out. A well cast bridge and deck house will make it hard to chose PE or
Resin. |
The large tug is equally well cast with nice surface and deck detailing.
The superstructure is well done and it almost seems a shame to replace
it with the photo etch. |
Large Tug detail photo's
The superstructure parts are well done, with windows and
doors. The portholes are molded open and probably wont need to be drilled
out. |
The two photo etch frets are what really makes this upgraded kit. There
is one fret for each tug and both are relief etched with lots of detail.
I am torn on which I like best, the existing resin superstructure or the
photo etch version. The PE has the advantage of allowing you to build up
a hollowed out superstructure with scale thickness walls. But is going
to require a lot more forming and fabricating. Either way, you have the
best of both worlds here. |
The instructions are three pages with assembly drawings
on the first page, a Bill of Materials for the photo etch on the second
and tips on the third. These are barely adequate as they do not show how
the new photo etch assembles. I would imagine most modelers can figure
it out, but it really should be shown.
Conclusions: |
Another needed subject captured in resin by Battlefleet
Models. These tugs are cleanly cast and simple to build. They would
make an excellent first resin subject for anyone wanting to try their first
kit. This little kit is only $20.00 and is direct from Battlefleet
Models and it's distributors. |