Chokai (DDG-176) is a Kongo-class guided missile destroyer in the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF). The Kongo's are a variant on the Arleigh Burke class destroyers, but are lacking the offensive strike capabilities (no Tomahawk cruise missiles). Chokai is equipped with the Aegis fire control system, SM-2MR Standaard missiles, Harpoon SSM, a OTO-Melara 5" gun, 2 triple ASW torpedo tubes and a helo deck. Like the Flight I Burkes, the Chokai does not possess a hangar or other support equipment for a helo.
Chokai's waterline hull is made of three parts; a bottom plate and two hull halves. As has been the practice with Japanese manufacturers for many years, this 1/700 ship is supplied with a metal strip of ballast to give the completed model some heft. The two halves are stabilized with the a large single deck piece.
The hull halves are detailed with raised lines for the hull plating, with tiny open chocks molded into the top edge. Each hull part has a lip along the lower edge to allow for a more positive alignment with the bottom feel plate.
The deck has both of the Verticle Launch Systems (VLS)- 29-cell launcher forward of the superstructure, and a 61-cell in the after portion of the hull. These are both well detailed, and even have the VLS loading crane hatches. Bollards are molded on the deck edge, and the anchor plates have molded on anchor chains forward of the breakwater.
Sprue C has most of the necessary bulkheads to form the superstructure for Chokai. These are detailed with watertight doors, vents and even plating. The caps for the both of the funnels are also attached to this sprue.
The remaining superstructure parts, including the bridge and Aegis arrays are on this sprue, and it also contains the parts to build the lattice foremast.
SPRUE P x2 |
This is a generic JMSDF weapons sprue, with a SH-60J helicopter, the 5" gun, Harpoon cannister launcher, Phalanx CIWS, ASW torpedo launchers- and also contains the fire control radars and various other fittings, some of which are unused on Chokai.
SPRUES E, K, Nx2, and Q |
These four remaining sprues each have a limited number of parts; fantail, satellite communication domes, life rafts, whale boats and davits, and stack details for the funnels. |
Sprue E |
Sprue K |
Sprue N |
Sprue N |
Sprue Q |