Building the
Scale 1:100

by  Jason A, Montreal, Canada

The Summer of 2016: The build begins

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Part 2

All the plans were printed on card stock and indexed. The hull was three simple planks of select pine from the local hardware store. I cut the hull to size and glued and nailed the planks together. The hull was flipped over and sanded heavily. I used the hull frame guides I printed to check and recheck the sanding. I couldn't construct a traditional framed hull as the plans I had only had 20 frames or so: On a ship that would be nearly 7' long, there were not enough frames to provide the support I figured I needed.

Click images to enlarge

Once the hull was sanded, and the imperfections were filled with automotive filler, she was flipped over and the principle upper hull and structures were also cut and sanded from wood. I also built up the wood hangar wall extension and added cross braces inside the hull. I should mention that this kit marked the first time I had ever worked with styrene sheets, rods and strips. I checked out some videos on YouTube to understand the ins and outs of cutting and working with styrene.

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