Waveline /700 HMS Queen
1915 British Battleship
This is an early Waveline resin kit that seems to have
disappeared from the current Pit-Road catalog. I guess it is now Out Of
Production, which is too bad because it is a pretty nice kit. I'm including
a review of it just in case you spot one gathering dust on your local hobby
shop shelf or making the rounds on E-bay.
The hull is nicely cast and has a multitude of deck details. In fact
it looks rather busy with all the objects that are cast on. The hull has
a casting gate on the starboard side that will have to be sanded off. Many
will prefer this to sanding the bottom.
click to
The superstructure parts are well cast in the two part molding style.
They resemble parts on a regular injection molded plastic kit being attached
to a resin sprue. This allows all sides of the part to be cast, but requires
removal of the attachment point from the tree.
There are a number of white metal cast parts including boats and gun
barrels. The casting is not as sharp as later kits by this manufacturer
but still very usable.
Also included is a piece of flat styrene to fabricate some parts listed
in the instructions. Several lengths of brass rod are included to make
the masts.
The instructions are well done for a kit of this age and
include four pages of
Here's a view of the box art for those that who wish to see it.
A nice kit in it's day, but don't bid too much on one on E-bay as White
Ensign has a 1918 version coming out soon.