NNT 1/700 German Lahn Class Submarine Tender

Reviewed January 2018
by Timothy Dike

A55 Lahn and A56 Lech were Type 403 Lahn class submarine tenders built in 1962. Unlike similar tenders, these ships were relatively heavily armed with Four 40 mm in twin Flak mounts. They were intended to resupply the German Navy subs with fuel, water and food, and act as a forward operating base. They had machine shops fully equipped to make most minor and some major repairs, and were stocked with spare parts to keep the subs at sea. They were also equipped to serve as training ships and in the event of a disaster they had an infirmary with operating room available.

NNT has designed this new tender to be either the Lech or Lahn as built (1965) or modernized in 1990 fit.

The hull is cast waterline style cleanly with sharp detailing. The only flash on my sample was along the bottom where cleanup will be a breeze. Bits and chocks are well cast and all were cast intact. I don't have any plans of this tender, but the shape appears to match the photos I've seen. 
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The bridge is cast on a thin wafer with ladders, doors, and other detailing well defined. A little flat sanding will be needed to remove what remains of the wafer on the bottom. The same technique will free the crane boom assemblies. The main crane base came out well and will look good with the boom attached, especially if you add rigging.
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The gun mounts are designed with separate barrel/breach assemblies for each mount and are sturdy and well cast. Also on these sprues are Radar antennas and a couple RHIB's.
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Various platforms, antennas, life raft canisters are cast on these resin runners.
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Ship's boats are well cast but a little plain looking.
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Mast details, platform supports, anchors, and racks for the life raft canisters are among the parts on the etched brass fret. No railings are included to keep the costs down. Most of us already have plenty of generic railings to use anyway. Brass rod and fine brass wire are included to fabricate supports and mast parts. 
Markings for both the Lahn and Lech are included along with flags, squadron markings and warning circles. They are sharply registered and even the smaller printing can be made out..
Six pages show the parts and assembled views showing where everything goes. There are decal placement and options for 1965 and 1990 versions. History and specifications are included although printed in German. Cut lengths for the brass rod parts are shown in the parts list, diameter and length are noted,
 These are pictures from a diorama made by Reiner Vögel showing the Tender A-56 Lech together with U13 and U14,  made from this kit and the Type 205 class Submarines..
This new kit by NNT gives you the perfect cold war or modern companion for the new Type 205 class Submarines

This is kit #NNT70025 Bundesmarine Tender Klasse 403 Lech / Lahn (1965/1990) with a list price of 54,00 € includes VAT for Germany and EC. The price without VAT is 19% less at 45,40€. or about 55 US Dollars. Thanks to NNT for the review samples.

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