The Burke Class represents the first new Destroyer design
since the Spruance class. From the start they were designed with stealth
in mind, evidenced by the sloping sides and sleek shape. These ships are
also much better handling than their earlier predecessors, and are designed
to survive a multitude of threats. These ships are multi role ships with
a special emphasis in the Anti Air Warfare threat, with there VLS system
the post a considerable threat to any airborne adversary.
This kit represents the Flight I and II version of this class. Even
though they are fitted to handle LAMPS helo's they lack the hangers
to embark them. This kit can be used to build most of the early Burke class
ships. Flight IIA and III are slightly different with an extra 5 feet in
hull length and helo hangers added among other updates in radar and other
BURKE CLASS (Flight I As Built.)
Displacement 8373 Tons (Full), Dimensions, 504' 7" (oa) x 66' 11" x 20'
Armament 1 x 5"/54 RF, 2 Phalanx 20 mm Guns, 90 VLS Cells, 8 Harpoon Missiles,
6 x 12.75" TT.
Machinery, 100,000 SHP; 4 GE LM-2500 Gas Turbines, 2 screws
Speed, 30+ Knots, Range 4400 NM@ 20 Knots, Crew 370.
The hull is molded in the usual Pitroad style with a separate bow deck
insert and a bottom waterline insert. The hull is well shaped and looks
like the graceful lines of a Brurke Class DD. The superstructure of this
ship has sharp sloping sides and these are well represented in this kit. |
The deck insert and superstructure parts have quite a bit of cast on
detailing. Test fitting shows that these parts will go together with little
difficulty, and a minimum of seams to fill. |
.A Modern USN weapons sprue is included to fit out your destroyer with
a multitude of weapons. Besides the normal SH-60, you also get a Cobra
and Chinook Helicopter, just another bonus for this kit. I have to applaud
Pitroad for including extra parts in their kits, these extra's are one
reason why my spare parts box is well stocked. |
The decal sheet is pretty good, and has markings for the Curtis Wilbur,
and a number of other ships in this class. Helo markings are provided
as well. |
There are four pages of instructions with exploded
views showing where everything goes. They are clear and easy to read, and
the modeler should have little or no trouble building this kit.
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The back of the box includes a painting guide for the ship in the usual
Pitroad style.
If you are a fan of the modern Navy you will enjoy this kit. It is a
relatively simple kit, and could be built in an evening or two depending
on how much extra detail you put into it. The kit is well designed and
is a great value for the modeler, especially with the addition of some
photo etch. |