At the Dragon Expo 08, a Special Edition
version of the USS Buchanan produced by was introduced.
It depicts the ship in 1945 as she was at the time of the surrender signing
in Tokyo Bay. The Buchanan was rebuilt in 1944 and the modifications changed
the overall appearance of the ship. Gone was the 1.1" on the aft replaced
along with a single 20 mm with two new 40 mm twin mounts in rebuilt tub.
Two 20 mm guns were added to the bridge wings port and starboard, and a
third 20 mm was added on a raised platform in front of the bridge. The
existing 20 mm mounts had to be moved out to clear a wider field of fire.
Two additional Mk-51 directores were added on the top of the bridge and
new SC and SG radar was added. For those of you wanting to do a late war
version of the Buchanan this kit will do a 1944 to 45 version. The late
war fit is also perfect for many other Gleaves class destroyers.
To do this new version Draon has taken the existing 1942 version and
added some additional sprues in a new colectable limited edition package.
A fitting upgrade for the ship that carried General Douglas MacArthur out
to the USS Missouri for the surrender signing. Even more fitting is the
scale version of the General himself molded in plastic.
Since many of the parts are included in the already
reviewed Buchanan 42, I am including much of photos and text from that
review. New and changed items are highlighted in blue below. |
The first sprue consists of most of the forward superstructure
parts. The bridge is composed of separate wings with interior bracing and
conduit detail molded on. The bridge win floor includes the underside bracing.
The doorways are molded with the doors as separate parts, the modeler can
mount them in the open or closed positions. The doorways are hollowed out
and it will be easy to open them up by removing the boss on the inside
walls. |
to enlarge |
The bridge windows are not open due to mold limitations.
You can blacken these with a marker or drill them out yourself. Raised
wooden platforms for the 24" searchlight and pelorus mounts are also separate
parts to allow easy modification to other versions of the ship. The mushroom
vents are also separate parts as are the main deck hatchways. The funnels
are presented in two styles on this sprue and the B sprue. On this one
the molded on ladders are left off to allow for the included photo etch
ones to be used. The funnels are slide molded so you wont have to big seams
to fill. The funnel cap and base parts are designed so that the seams are
in easy to hide locations.
The second sprue includes most of the mid and aft superstructure parts.
You might notice the decks are lightly etches with a very fine diamond
plate pattern. The mast is finely detailed with position lights and other
items. The yardarm is separate as as the lower fighting lights. The funnel
caps feature hollow tops with molded on grills. Yes, these are a bit thick
for some modelers, but they will be easy to remove thanks to the smart
way this part is molded. The separate funnel piping will give them a more
realistic appearance. The Mk-37 gun director base is molded using slides
to eliminate the seams and allow for open slits. |
This sprue features the deck propeller gear and lower hull. One of
the first things you will notice is that the deck is not flat. This is
because like real ships the deck is cambered to allow water to run off.
This may be a first for plastic ship models. The anchor chain is not molded
on so the modeler can easily add real chain or use the included brass photo
etch chain. The edges of the deck include the waterway that also acts as
a guide for those adding photo etch railing. |
The propellers are as thin as is practical for plastic.
The deck is also notched along the edge to allow the separate bits to be
easily placed and give a realistic appearance. The lower hull is
slide molded to allow for some very thin bilge keels. Test fitting shows
that the fit is very good. The area where the rudder mounts will need a
little smoothing as the clearance for the rudder is a bit exaggerated.
The rudder is separate and can be mounted at any angle.
included in this kit) |
This sprue include many of the weapons including quad and quintuple
torpedo mounts. Only the quintuple mounts are needed on this kit. The detailing
is very good with a separate control stand. The tubes are all loaded ready
to fire. The torpedo cranes are correct for Benson Gleaves class destroyers |
The 20 mm guns are extremely detailed and push the envelope
of injection molding capabilities. They are designed with separate shields,
gun base and barrels, and even ammo cans. The latter can be left off for
those who have problems with tiny parts. Additional photo etch details
and alternate shields are also provided. The real beauty of these guns
is that they can be elevated just like the real ones. A 5" practice loading
machine is provided with a separate base, gun assembly, and motor. A 1.1"
gun mount is also very detailed. The base, yoke, and gun barrel assemblies
are separate as are the sights and seats. Separate sights and seats are
also provided in photo etched brass. The gun barrels are as thin as possible
for injection molding.
included in this kit) |
Radar's and directors are presented on this sprue. The Mk-37
director is molded in two parts again with the use of slides to preserve
the detailing. These are very detailed with crisp molding and sharp details.
The torpedo director features nice gauge face detailing and the Mk-51 directors
are awesome. The latter are molded with a separate base and yet another
part to benefit from the slide molding. I am very pleased with the way
the Mk-12 radar screen mounting arms came out. This is one part that you
wont need to replace with photo etch. The plastic Mk-12 is not bad for
plastic, but serious molders will want to get the upgrade set for this
kit and replace them with the much more accurate versions provided in photo
etch. The radar's are typical for plastic and too thick for my taste. But
the SA radar mount is separate and will look great with a photo etch screens.
Although not used on the Buchanan in 42, an SG radar set is included complete
with separate base and antenna. |
The standard kit includes one of these sprues. However
the rebuilt Buchanan needs four Mk-51 directors, so you get two of this
sprue, a neat bonus.
The strange looking parts on this sprue are actually forming tools.
Another smart feature of this kit. They are used to form the photo etch
life raft supports and the propeller guards. The latter is a great idea
as I'm sure I am not alone in having a hard time folding these to shape.
Use this tool to form near perfect shaped prop guards for your ship. Note,
the propeller guards are typical of those used on other USN destroyers,
so hold onto this tool it make come in handy for other projects. |
SPRUE G (x2) |
The 5" 38 gun turrets are presented in the correct single and double
knuckle style with all kinds of detail. The lower mounts feature extra
rivets on the roof panel along the extra knuckle to reinforce them from
the blast effects of the upper mount. I had thought the knuckle would be
more pronounced, but it is barely noticeable. The gun have the correct
offset for the gun. Such fine features as the louvers on the back are finely
molded. The base of the gun includes underside bracing and they fit nicely
with the upper mount reducing the amount of seams you will have to fill. |
You have a choice in gun barrels too. Canvas covered or
bare ones that can be elevated throughout the whole range of a real gun.
The ends are also hollowed. The amount of slide molding used on this sprue
shows how serious Dragon is in getting it right. These are undoubtedly
the best 5"38's ever done in plastic. They are even better than most resin
This sprue contains two 36" searchlight lenses. Just the lenses so
if you don't like the brittle nature of clear parts, you will appreciate
that the main part of that searchlight is good old gray plastic as shown
below on the K sprue. The surface of the lenses even has the cross lines
of the real ones. |
This is the fittings sprue with everything from the ships boats to
the doors and davits. The ships boats are nicely done with separate inserts
for the seats and engine. Another insert allows you to convert the boat
to a covered version typical of those found on the Buchanan and other DD's.
The boats are designed to use a photo etch rudder assembly. |
Another first for ship modeling is the inclusion
of separate plastic doors. If you don't like working with photo etch, you
will like these. They allow you to model the doors open and while a little
thicker than PE, they look very nice. Optional bridge wing braces are included
for the non PE crowd. There are two types of searchlight bases are include
the tall ones found on the Buchanan and Aaron Ward, and a lower one typical
of those found on ships such as the McCalla. Floater net basket are provide
in two styles, empty and with molded floater nets. The K-guns parts are
great, they include separate launchers, stands with charges, and davits.
The davits are a little on the thick side as testing proved they broke
too easily when molded to scale thickness. Another nice detail is the pair
of smoke generators found on the stern. A three piece assembly with a very
realistic shape. The stern depth charge racks are well done but unfortunately
the seam falls in the middle of the cans where it is noticeable. Three
types of searchlights are provide. Swivel mount versions of the 12" searchlight
in a left and right hand version. Two 24" searchlights and a really nice
36" searchlight assembly that can be aimed realistically. Photo etched
seats are provided too. This will result in one smart looking assembly
when finished. The aft mast on this sprue even includes a hooded truck
light. The anchors are two pieces with a separate shank that allows the
fluke to pivot just like a real one. A two piece deck winch, Flag bags
and life rafts are among the other items on this sprue.
The upper hull is nicely done with lines that follow the hull lines
of the real ship. Even the characteristic rounded edge that tapers from
15" to zero at the bow is faithfully represented. I test fitting the decks
with this part with no problems. FYI the hull is split at the low water
mark to represent the ship in light or unloaded condition. |
for this kit) |
The aft superstructure deck has the two 40 mm twin
gun tubs and a modified aft steering station. The deck features the same
fine tread pattern found on the other parts. Stiffener ribs are also present
on the tub which are molded very thin and without the excessive taper found
on some other kits. A new bridge deck and wings are provided to reflect
the ship after her 1944 rebuild. New roller rack style depth charge racks
are provided for the port and startboard side. Only four are needed, however
six are provided to allow you to model similar ships. |
These parts are designed to work with
the photo etch parts shown later in this review. A nice feature is the
way the can is not split in the center so the seam lines up with the frame.
The bridge face is now molded separately. Also on this sprue are a couple
forming tools to properly shape the photo etch gun tubs to that perfect
SPRUE P (Base) |
A new base for this kit has been designed based on how most modelers
like to display their ships in full hull mode. The stands which resemble
lamp finales are even slide molded so they can be done without seams. Note
there are additional mounting hole locations in the base. So this base
can be used on future Dragon ships. Hmmmmm  |
for this kit) |
The real gem in this new kit in my opinion is the 40 mm twin mount.
Far more detailed than any other plastic gun mount in this scale, it even
outclassed all but a couple of aftermarket versions. The mount includes
a separate base, yoke, and barrels. Dragon even went the extra mile and
added a slide in the mold to hollow out the ends of the barrels. The platform
includes the shell ejection chutes. Photo etch sights, seats and foot pedals
are included to give it that extra touch. The best thing about this mount
is that it can be elevated and shown at all the same angles of the real
one. |
Photos of assembled test parts. |
for this kit) |
Two photo etch frets are included with the finer
details that just can't be done in plastic. The first fret is a revised
version for the late war kit. New forward 20 mm gun tubs are relief etched
to make the braces stand out. New 40 mm gun details are also included.
Fore funnel platforms with relief etched decks, direction finder loop,
inclined ladders, and aft mast details. The mast ladder not only helps
add detail, it strengthens the joint of the upper and lower parts, smart. |
The second fret includes the optional doors. These are nice and are
relief etched on both sides. Three types are included 60" 66" and bridge
Another included part is the shields for the skylookouts. These are
pre formed so you won't have to do it yourself. |
for this kit) |
Another smart feature is the walkway decals printed
by Cartograf. These represent the anti-skid rubber pads that were often
applied to US Navy ship. Since this was a detail that was usually added
by the crew, the arrangement and path tended to be different on each ship.
There are some extra sections so you can adapt the walkway to fit other
ships too. Hull numbers are done in the typical USN style. Draft markings
are black above the boot topping line, and white below. Also on the sheet
are the Buchanan's score card as painted on the Mk 37 gun director. There
was one on each side and while the decal is small you can make out some
of the detail. A couple of squadron markings are included, but there are
no photos that show these in use. These are new decals that include the
correct markings for the 40 mm gun tubs. |
A second decal sheet is provided for the flags printed on self adhesive
vinyl. These include the straight and wavy flags, and a token amount of
signal flags. |
The kit includes the original eight page instruction sheet
found in the 42 version and this four page sheet showing the modifed 45
Buchanan. |
A new set of figures is included in this kit. A 1/350 scale Douglas
MacArthur and two other officers to accompany him. The figures scale out
to about 6'6" a little tall, but not unlike the larger than life persona
of Douglas MacArthur! The detail on these figures is amazing and I am just
sorry my camera is unable to show it off properly. You can even make out
the facial features and uniform details. |
This new version of the Buchanan is proof that Dragon is only just
beginning with their new Smart Kit line of Warships. This version was produced
to coincide with the 2008 IPMS Nationals and the Dragon DX08 Expo. The
first run sold out imeadiately, and thankfully another run is being produced
and should be availble as this is written. Even with all the new features
Dragon has kept the price down to the same low price of only $39.99 at
USA. This is a fantastic price when you consider all that you get.
I'm told that Dragon usually only offers these Special Edition kits once.
Get yours now or be prepared to bid a much higher price for it on
E-bay. |