Deck view of hull under construction. Making a deck is
pretty simple: cut the shape from flat stock and scribe any markings you
need into it. The Ranger deck above was done the same way. You can see
there’s a joint, though you can pick up stock long enough to do it in one
piece. My first attempt at the island is also visible. |
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Side view showing how the pieces from the Enterprise kit were used
to fill in the side |
Port view of the side showing the flared section of the hull. The flared
hull increased the hangar deck are and counter-balanced the island weight.
I added a piece to the hangar deck to build it out to the right dimensions,
then filled with Apoxy Sculp and sanded the flare to shape. |
Starboard side view at this stage of construction again with the first
island. |
View underneath showing where the hull was shortened. Wasp is
82 feet shorter than Enterprise, which is 1.4 inches in 1/700 scale. Beam
is only 2.1 feet difference, or .03 inches in 1/700. That is lose enough
I decided not to replicate it. |
One more Port view to illustrate the hull flare again. |
The Island: I didn’t like how it was shaping up using the kit pieces,
so I decided to build it up. I found Evergreen the right height for a level
and right width. Here are the pieces I collected from the kit plus the
Evergreen. The stack is the red splotch. |
Basic island construction in the process of being filled. Gray bits
are from the kit. |
Island with stack on the deck. |
Same stage of construction, top view. |
Inboard view of Island. Tom’s Modelworks hatches added. Ladders from
spares box. |
Outboard view. |
The Wasp had a unique deck edge elevator. This was a feature I wanted
to show on the model. |
Picture of the elevator. The finished island and all the small bits
are in the box. |
Close up of finished Elevator with Dauntless. I used a couple of catapults
to make the arms of the elevator, which are too thick. At this point, I
just decided to go with it. |
Elevator mounted on the hull. |
Some final test fits while I was installing the railings. |
Test deck spot of the Spitfires. |
Another view of the test fit. Good view of the deck markings. |
Deck markings were laid out on the computer and printed on decal film.
The while lines become clear on the decal, so the deck is painted that
color. |
Finished model with Spitfire clearing the deck forward and one lifting
off near the island. |
Starboard view. You can see the life rafts, ship’s boats, cranes all
added. |
Port view, lower angle. |
Finished model with the Trumpeter Yorktown hull and deck to show
the difference in size between the two. |