The USS Virginia CGN-38 was the lead
ship of a new class of nuclear powered guided missile cruisers. Together
with sisterships Texas, Mississippi, and Arkansas, they were the largests
nuclear cruisers build by the US Navy. Roughly the size of a WW2 cruiser
these ships were based on the Charles F Adams class destroyer enlarged
to accommodate the nuclear power plant. Originally classified guided missile
frigates (DLGN), these ships served from the 70's to the 90's.
Cyber-Hobby, a part of the Dragon Models empire, has released their
first new ship model.
The upper hull is included on this sprue and is appears
to have the correct shape and profile. The stern features recessed tie
down sockets. The bow insert has molded on anchor chain with bits and chocks
where appropriate. Some of the superstructure parts are also on this sprue
and they feature nice surface detailing. |
to enlarge |
This is an all new weapons sprue with the tomahawk launchers and the
missile rails with separate missles to attach to them. New gun mounts and
other details are well done. I don't care much for the plastic radar antenna,
but there is a much nicer photo etch one included if you want to use it. |
This sprue features a nicely done bridge assembly slide molded to eliminate
seams and give you full detail on four sides. The mast is a little on the
thick side but not objectionable. Molding is really nice overall. |
This is the standard US Navy weapons sprue with parts found on typical
warships. It has a variety of weapons, fittings, and even the SH-60 helo.
Most of these parts are not needed, but are great to save for other projects. |
The lower hull is molded as one piece with the bilge keels and sonar
dome. The fit with the upper hul is pretty good and appears to line up
very nicely. The lines of the hull could be better as the keel should be
flush with the bottom and the stern should slope up more. |
The base for this kit has been designed based on how most modelers
like to display their ships in full hull mode. The stands which resemble
lamp finales are even slide molded so they have no seams to fill and sand.
Hole locations are provided so all you have to do is open them up with
a knife or drill. |
A simple photo etch fret is included with the optional radar antenna
assembly. inclined ladders and a radio antenna for the bow. |
The decals are specific to the Virginia with warning circles and helo
deck markings all well registered. There are also draft markings and battle
E's as well as flags. |
The instructions are six pages with lots of sub-assmbly
views that are easy to follow. The last page features a painting guide
showing decal placement. |
These are photos of a fully assembled production version
of this kit. Everything shown is included.
The Cyber-Hobby line of ships was supposed to be an more affordable
line of ship model kits, so I was expecting there to be less detail. But
this one shares many of the same features found in the Dragon Smart Kits.
Full hull or waterline, photo etch parts, an atractive display base, sharp
detailing, and attention to detail. This first release is just the beginning
with many more highly detailed kits in the pipeline. It's going to be another
exciting year for ship modelers.
These new kits are now shipping to stores. You should be able to get
one soon. Look for them on the shelves of your favorite hobby shop or get
it direct from Dragon
USA or CyberHobby. |