Reviewed by Timothy Dike |
The three New Mexico class battleships
were commissioned between 1918 and 1919. They were similar to the Pennsylvania
class but had a clipper bow to improve sea keeping. As built they had cage
masts, but in the 30's they were modernized and received towering superstructures
and anti torpedo bulges.
Mississippi began her wartime career protecting convoys in the North
Atlantic. When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor she sailed to the west
coast to help protect US shipping. After some anti aircraft upgrades, Mississippi
joined her sisters in retaking the Aleutian islands. She participated in
raids on enemy strongholds, and made her way to the Philippines to help
bombard Leyte Gulf in preparation for US landings.
She lent her firepower to Oldendorf's battlelineat the Battle of Surigao
Strait. She remained in the area helping to retake the Philippines and
later sailed to Okinawa where her guns helped destroy enemy defenses at
Shuri Castle. She stayed on station even after taking a second Kamikaze
hit. When the war ended she joined her sister ships in Tokyo Bay to witness
the surrender signing.
Mississippi lasted longer than her sisters becoming part of the testing
program for ship launched guided missiles. She her some of main guns removed
and had missile launchers installed. She test fired Terrier and Petrel
missiles in the early 50's. Finally decommissioning in 1956, she was later
sold for scrap.
Mississippi received eight battle stars for World War II service.
This new kit from Midship is actually the old Classic Warships kit.
New molds have been made from the master and new parts have been added.
The kit depicts the ship during 1941.
The hull is cast waterline style with almost none of the
superstructure. The deck has nice wood planking and the hull looks to be
correctly shaped. The casting is pretty good with only a few areas that
will need cleanup. |
click images
to enlarge
The superstructure comes cast in many separate parts. I would prefer
to have some of this cast with the hull, but this will make modifications
easier. The parts are all cast in the open face mold style and will need
some extensive flat sanding to get rid of the overpour. The deck also has
nice wood planking and the reinforced splinter shields look very good.
There is a lack of surface detail on the walls of most parts. Doors and
portholes will have to be added by the modeler. The shapes appear to be
correct for this class of ship. |
The main gun turrets are cast with gun barrel openings and nice gusset
detailing along the base. The bottoms will need sanded but this is preferable
to having to remove casting gates in locations where there is surface detailing.
The gun barrels are also cast in resin and are acceptable, but I suspect
that many will replace these with aftermarket barrels. |
The 5" 25 cal guns are the same as those used in many of the old Classic
Warships kits and current Midship kits and while they are well cast they
are not correctly shaped. They are probably good enough for most modelers
but you might consider replacing them with Corsair Armada versions. The
gun directors on the other hand look very good. They are nicely shaped
and even have the hatch details present. |
Three of the larger whale boats and two covered launches are
provided cast in resin. Detail is pretty good and these will just need
the casting gate removed from the stern and some minor cleanup. |
This kit features two of the MidShip standard weapons sprues to supply
the small weapons and fittings. The rafts are molded in two styles and
are both nicely done. This will supply the small weapons as
well as give you a bunch of extra spare parts you can use for other projects. |
There are only a few metal parts in this kit. Masts, anchors, and main
gun directors. |
A photo etch fret is supplied to add the fine details to this kit.
These include nice aircraft catapults, and cranes. Inclined ladders and
lots of railings are provided. These parts are relief etched to help give
them a 3D appearance. This is a complete fret and really enhances this
kit. |
There is also a length of plastic and brass rod included
for the mast and yardarms.
The decal sheet is a real treat and includes flags and pennants as
well as both prewar and early and late war hull numbers. These are printed
by Microscale and are typical of the high quality decals they usually produce.
They are nicely registered and sharp. |
The instructions are ten pages and more extensive then
their other kits. They include plenty of assembly views and should be sufficient
to guide you through the building process.
Also available is the other members of the class; USS New Mexico,
and USS Idaho in their 1941 fits.
wouldn't recommend this kit to a beginner, but anyone who has tackled a
few resin kits shouldn't have a lot of problems building this ship. This
kit is yet another resurrected Classic Warships kits. It is not really
up to today's standards but the inclusion of a nice photo etch set, new
plastic parts, and sharp decals helps to make it a pretty good value. It's
biggest drawback is the thickness of the resin overpours on the parts.
this is one area where MidShip could improve on the quality of their kits.
This kit is a little pricey at it's MSRP of $100, but you can usually find
it for sale for a lot less.
These kits are available now at Pacific
Front and Freetime
Hobbies. |