Reviewed November 2023
by Martin J Quinn
Infini Models has sent along some various items for us to review.  Among them are set IMP-35004R1, WW2 U.S. Navy Radar Set.  The set contains photo-etch versions of the various radars used by the USN in World War 2:  XAF, CXAM, CXAM-1, SK, SK-2, SC, SM, SG and YE. 

Click to enlarge images
The set consists of one photo-etch fret, with around a dozen different radars - one each of the "big" sets, and two each of the SC, SC-2, etc.  The radars are all nicely etched and nicely detailed, with most of the sets having multiple parts.  The set also includes a bag of turned brass parts, which supply the posts, and in some cases, the radar wave guide, for the photo-etch parts. These are probably the best radar sets I've seen in photo-etch. 
Close ups of some of the fret details.

There are very nicely done, and should help those modelers wishing to upgrade the radar suite on their US Navy scale fleet.  While this set is courtesy of INFINI models, I previously purchased this set for myself, and have used both the SC and SG radars on a few of my builds.   Overall, I was pleased with how they came out, and the inclusion of the turned brass posts is a really nice touch. 

This is INFINI Model's set IMP-35004R1, WW2 U.S. Navy Radar Set. It retails for $28.99, and is available from many of our sponsors. Thanks to INFINI Models for the review sample.   Highly recommended.
