Reviewed August 2018
by Martin J Quinn
Flyhawk has released a set of replacement ventilators for their 1/700 HMS Prince of Wales (FH1117), set FH710042, "The Ventilating Orientation for HMS Prince of Wales".  The set contains ten bags of replacement ventilators for Prince of Wales - three bags contain brass parts, seven bags contain resin parts.
Click to enlarge images
The Ventilating Orientation for HMS Prince of Wales
The vents come in long black box, like a jewelry box.  Inside are 10 small bags, each part being in an individual, marked bag.  The parts are incredibly small.   The brass parts seemed to be finely machined, and the resin parts well cast. 
BAGS MB-1, MB-2, MB-3
These bags contain the machined brass ventilators.
These bags contain the cast resin ventilators.
The instructions are on a glossy, two sided, 8 1/2 x 11 piece of paper.   They show where on the ship the replacement parts are located, if you have to remove any existing parts, and the direction the opening of the vents face when placed on the model. 
These replacement vents are made specifically for Flyhawk's basic Prince of Wales kit (FH1117).   The parts are sharply machined and cast.  They are also very, very small, and you should be careful when removing them from the bags and trying to install them on the model.  I compared these to the ventilators in the Prince of Wales kit.   While these are definitely sharper and more detailed than those in the kit, it's not something most people will notice, especially once painted. 

This is Flyhawk set FH710042, The Ventilating Orientation for HMS Prince of Wales. It retails for around $20.00.  Thanks to Flyhawk for the review sample.   Recommended, but mostly for the super detailing crowd. 
