BMK Shop has been turning
out some nice CNC Machined parts. These are the US Navy standard 16 inch
50 caliber gun barrels found on Iowa class battleships. |
This set includes nine 16 in gun barrels machined from
brass. They have a precise finish with the ends center drilled to give
that hollow barrel effect. The steps in the barrel are well defined and
more accurate than the plastic parts found in the Tamiya kits. A mounting
pin will allow you to easily fit it to your kit. |
Click images
to enlarge |
is item is #002350USNJ Gun Barrel Set for Tamiya "Missouri" 1/350 for 34.00
EUR or $50.00 US at the current exchange rate. That might seem steep until
you see the difference it will make on your Battleship class. If your going
to spend extra money on photo etch and other upgrade set, don't forget
this obvious upgrade. You can order them direct from the Shop
or where ever BMK accessories are sold. |