Swordfish Naval Models


Reviewed July 2024
by Martin J Quinn
Swordfish Naval Models Accessories has sent us some additional products to review.  Among these is 35010023, 1/350 20mm-65 Breda Twin Machine Gun Aiming at 45°. This weapon, which was used by the Regia Marina, was, according to NavWeaps, "This gun was air cooled and gas operated and seems to have been fairly efficient. It was derived from the 13.2 mm (0.52") M1931. Considered to have been a good weapon, although the low magazine capacity of 12 rounds meant frequent stoppages for change outs. An unusual feature was that the spent round was reinserted into the magazine." For more information on this weapon, you can also check out the Wikipedia page here.
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As is the norm, the parts arrive in a plastic clamshell container.  The parts are now covered in cotton, to prevent damage during shipping. Inside is one long print raft, with 12 20mm twin guns.  The weapons are printed in one piece.

There in nice details on the guns, with seats, sights and thin gun barrels.  Be careful when trying to remove the parts from the print raft, especially the gun barrels, as they are extremely fragile looking. 

Close ups of some of the details.

There are no instructions.  If you go to the product page on the Swordfish website, you'll find general instructions on how to remove the parts from the print raft. 

Swordfish Models continues to release new 3D printed accessory sets, including these Italian 20mm AA weapons.  These will be a nice upgrade to the Trumpeter class Littorio-class battleships. The fact that there are twelve of these included in the set make these a nice bargain.  Recommended. 

This is Swordfish Naval Models Accessories' item 35010023, 1/350 20mm-65 Breda Twin Machine Gun Aiming at 45° (x12). They retail for approximately $8.50 USD, and are available from the Swordfish Naval Models Accessories website. Thanks to Swordfish Naval Models Accessories for the review sample.

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