Royal Navy 16ft

Sailing Dinghy (x4)


Black Cat Models, 1/350 Scale, Printed Resin

Reviewed by Devin Poore, May 2020

Another useful set from Black Cat Models, to augment or replace existing small-boat details on 1/350th scale Royal Navy kits. There's not a lot here, as the boats are all one-piece. Connected stern-to on the printing raft, there are a half-dozen or so printing supports attached, but these remove very easily; I didn't even have to cut mine free, a simple twist released the boat (Note: I do not recommend removing printed parts this way, it's asking for breakage. I simply tried it on this sample to see what would happen)

The outer hulls are smooth, with the exception of raised gunwhale trim, and rudder and tiller detail at the transom. Interiors have nice floor planking and seat detail, which will pop nicely once painted and give a wash and dry brush. Also note, in the photos of the detached boat below, I have yet to clean up the print supports on the stern, so that's the extra "stuff" you're seeing there.

These are named "16 Foot" boats. I'm not positive how close to 16ft the originals were, but that comes out to 14mm in 1/350th scale. These measure out at 13.2mm/.52mm, which is close enough in my book.


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There's not a lot to say about these. They're very nicely rendered, and cleanly printed, as is everything from Black Cat. Such simple pieces will clean up easily and paint just as nicely, adding a nice bit of detail to 1/350th scale Royal Navy ships.

Highly Recommended. Thank you to Black Cat Models for the review sample. 
