Warship Perspectives
Camouflage Volume 3 Royal
Navy 1943-44
by Alan Raven
Warship Perspectives, has released the next
in a series of Royal Navy Camouflage books. This one covers 1943-44. All
aspects of the Royal Navy are covered from the Aircraft Carriers and Battleships
to extensive coverage of Coastal Patrol forces. |
There are many Ship drawings showing the camouflage
patterns of all types of ships in all theaters of operation during the
43-45 period. There are over 170 of these drawings with 32 of them being
in color. Some of those drawing include both sides and a few even include
deck views where appropriate. The illustrations have notes included on
deck colors, turret roofs, and if needed special notes pertinent to the
design or ship shown. |
There are about 15 B&W photo's included
in the book to help illustrate the different camouflage measures. Some
of the photo's illustrate badly weathered ships, especially those that
served in the North Atlantic. Modelers might want to take note as those
fresh camouflage paint schemes didn't hold up very long against the elements. |
Some Royal Navy ships that served during the
war carried American styled camouflage, when they were refitted in US ports.
The Victorious was sent to the Pacific in 1943 to help offset the carrier
loses that had been sustained in 1942. One example illustrated in this
book is the unusual shown in the image on the right. The vertical sides
were Navy Blue as on MS-21 painted ships, but the deck still carries a
RN styled disruptive scheme.
Some of the Camouflage Measures listed in this book are:
Emergency Fleet Schemes for Destroyers
Coastal Forces Camouflage
Admiralty Disruptive Designs
US Built Escort Carriers in Royal Navy Service
Dark Hull Light Upperwork Type
Unofficial Designs
This volume includes and addendum to Volume One and Two
for the Cruiser Bonaventure in 41 and the Destroyer Quality in 42. |
If you enjoyed Volume 1 and 2, you are going to enjoy this
one as well. This book is the best one yet and is a must for your reference
library.. This book has 56 pages in it's 9" x 12" soft cover format.