Shipcraft #10
Bismarck and Tirpitz
by Steve Backer
reviewed by Timothy Dike |
Shipcraft has released number 10 in it's series of books
for ship modelers. This one covers the two Bismarck class battleships.
Undoubtedly one of the most well known ships of all time, the Bismarck
has been the subject of many books and has been produced in model form
by a number of manufactures. As with the other Shipcraft books, this one
features the real ships and their history and details as well as the models
in the various scales that have been produced. The author, Steve Backer
provides details on each kit and discusses their merits. There is one omission
in the model list and that is the new Revell 1/350 kit that evidently was
too new to make it into the book. Aftermarket details such as photo etch
sets are also presented so not only will you know what kits are available,
you will also know what is available to add detail to them. |
The photo coverage on each ship is very good with many
not seen before in print. There is even some high quality color photos.
Line drawings of the ships and the color illustrations showing camouflage
patterns really make this a great reference. The deck level and section
drawings will help you in super detailing your ships.
Also featured is a gallery of some of the best buildups of these ships
by some of the best modelers out there. This gives the modeler a good idea
of what can be done with the various kits out there.
This is Shipcraft #10 Bismarck and Tirpitz
by Steve Backer with a list of $22.00 US. There are 64 pages total
with 32 in color in this soft cover format. The Ship craft series has really
improved since the first books were released. Photo quality, authoritative
history and kit reviews, make this a great all around reference to have.
This one is available in the US direct from
Warships. Check their website for this and other Ship Craft books. |