"I Saw it in a Movie......a Video....or Computer Game."
Model Show and Contest on Saturday, May 2, 2009
by Carl Musselman The IPMS Dr. Alexander Lippisch Chapter of Cedar Rapids, Iowa hosted the "I Saw it in a Movie......a Video....or Computer Game." Model Show and Contest on Saturday, May 2, 2009 in Hiawatha, Iowa. There was a respectable turn out of Naval Category models at the show. Some were in the Naval Open Judging and some were in the Display Only categories. There was another in the Miscellaneous category and a couple in the main theme of the contest. "I Saw it in a Movie......a Video......or Computer Game." Open Judging category:
Miscellaneous Open Judging category: US Navy P-6 Catapult with OS2U Kingfisher by Don Poggemiller (1/48 Pro-Modeler Monogram and Scratch Built) Naval Open Judging category:
For Display Only: