Telford 2011 part 2 competition 
by Jim Baumann 

The entries   in  the ship categories of the competition at Telford this year  were in  my view of  higher  quality, albeit  down a little on numbers compared to previous years. Highlights were the splendid scratch-built HMS Inflexible and HMS Kangaroo in 1-1000  scale..(!), along with the sublime sum of work for the 1/700 Mare Island Diorama, an appreciation of the work contained within  can be seen here.

The  coaling diorama by David Griffith was most evocative  and beautifully executed! David Griffiths innovative forced perspective   MTB  diorama  defied  attempts to be photographed successfully  at Telford! -Hopefully we shall see this in the gallery soon. Jos Visser and Bruno Gire  both entered  very splendid  models ---both  of whom alas unfortunately entered them   in the wrong categories ... --the small print in the competition rules has caught out  many modellers -including myself..!

Sharp looking models in the smaller scales also from  Mike McCabe, Don McKeand and Mark Slota among many other fine modellers. Eric Dyke submitted two of his entirely scratch-built models  in 1/192  with some fine submarines. Sadly not all the entrants have a photo in this presentation-the reasons for which  was that I was kept very busy  assisting  the press photographers to such an extent that I did not actually get around to shooting the comp models myself!! (Moving and guarding the uncovered ship  models!! ) To this end I must thank  both the professional photographer Jon Godsell along with  Berthold Tacke, editor of the German nagazine’ Modellfan’  for their generosity in permitting me to use  their images.

The only image from the competition that actually  originated from my camera… was that of the Calypso diorama - and even for this image …I must thank my five year old daughter Alexa!! The results of the competition in the ship classes  are as below:

Class 62
GOLD     HMS Winchelsea     Mike McCabe

Class 63
GOLD                      Vladimir Monomakh 1885     Jim Baumann
SILVER                    SMS Planet     Jim Baumann
BRONZE                  HMS Glorious     Maurizio Boverio

Class 64
GOLD                        Scharnhorst     Ulf Lundberg
SILVER                     Bismark     Ulf Lundberg
BRONZE                   Yahagi     Ulf Lundberg
COMMENDED         Takao     Ulf Lundberg
COMMENDED          Suzutsuki     Ulf Lundberg
COMMENDED          Northsea Fishing Trawler     Neal Parsons

Class 65
GOLD                          HMS Manxman     Mike McCabe

Class 66
GOLD                         HMS Diamond     Eric Dyke
SILVER                      HMS Abercombie     Eric Dyke
BRONZE                    HMS Brissenden type IV hunt class     Roy Allen
COMMENDED          USS Vermont BB-20     Bruno Gire

Class 67 
GOLD                            Ko-Hyoteki Type A     Costas Papageorgiou
SILVER                         The Piglet     Giora Kahanov
BRONZE                       German Human Torpedo "Neger"     Lars Brage
COMMENDED              Kilo Class Submarine     Frank Laturnus

Class 68
GOLD                     HMS Iris     Mark Slota
SILVER                  Colonial Merchant Ship, Susan Constant     Stephen Newton

Ship Diorama:
GOLD                        HMS Inflexible & HMS Kangaroo 1918     Andrej Brozyma
SILVER                     We are all in the black gang today     David Griffith
BRONZE                   The Mare Island Naval Shipyard     Bruno Gire, Jean Mahieux
COMMENDED         HMS Ark Royal     Stuart Horley
COMMENDED         Isle of Thanet at Dunkirk Gare Maritime     Mike McCabe
COMMENDED         The hunting party     David Griffith

Special trophy's:
The WHITE ENSIGN AWARD:     "  We are  all in the black gang today"       David Griffith (HMS Indomitable Coaling Diorama )
YS MASTERPIECES   Trophy:    USS Saratoga CV 3     Jos Visser

OVERALL SHIP CATERGORY WINNER- BEST SHIP    ‘Vladimir Monomakh       Jim Baumann

1700_USS_vermont_Bruno_gire 1700_USS_vermont_midships_Bruno_gire Bismarck03_Ulf-Lundberg Bismarck_01_Ulf-Lundberg Bismarck_02_Ulf-Lundberg
Calypso-dio-Giora-Kahanov Coaling_HMS_Indomitable_David_Griffith_1-700 Coaling_HMS_Indomitable_David_Griffith_1-700.-midships.detailjpg Coaling_HMS_Indomitable_David_Griffith_1-700_bow Coaling_HMS_Indomitable_David_Griffith_1-700aft
Coaling_HMS_Indomitable_David_Griffith_1-700ariel Coaling_HMS_Indomitable_David_Griffith_1-700mid Dunkirk_detail_Mike-McCabed Dunkirkl_Mke_McCabe HMS-Abercrombie_1-192_EricDyke
HMS-DIAMOND-Eric-Dyke_1-192_01 HMS-DIAMOND-Eric-Dyke_1-192_02 HMS-DIAMOND-Eric-Dyke_1-192_03 HMS-DIAMOND-Eric-Dyke_1-192_04 HMS-Inflexible_and_Kangaroo_1-1000_scal_Andrej-Brozyma
HMS-Inflexible_and_kangaroo_1918_1-1000_scale_Andrej-Brozyma HMS-Inflexible_bow_1918_1-1000_scale_Andrej-Brozyma HMS-Kangaroo_1918_1-1000_scale_Andrej-Brozyma HMS-KangarooandInflexibleariel-_1918_1-1000_scale_Andrej-Brozyma HMS_Ark_Royal_loss_Dave_Hall_1-700-Stuart-Horley
HMS_Glorious_1-700_Maurizio-Boverio HMS_Glorious_1-700_stern_Maurizio-Boverio HMS_Iris_1-600_Mark_Slota Hudson_River_1-700_Mike--McCabe Loss_ark_Royal_1-700_Stuart Horley
Loss_ark_Royal_1-700_Stuart-Horley- Mailale_135 Mare-Island_bruno_Gire01 Mare-Island_bruno_Gire02 Mare-Island_bruno_Gire03
Mare-Island_bruno_Gire04 Re-fuellingat Sea_1-700_mike_McCabe Re-fuellingat-Sea_1-700_mike_McCabe SMS_Planet_1-700_Jim_Baumann Saratoga_Jos_Visser-01
Saratoga_Jos_Visser-02 Saratoga_Jos_Visser-03 Saratoga_Jos_Visser-04 Saratoga_Jos_Visser-05 Saratoga_Jos_Visser-06
Saratoga_Jos_Visser-07 Scharnhorst_1350Ulf-Lundberg Susan_Constant_01_stephen-Newton Susan_Constant_02_stephen-Newton U-Boat-Diorama_1-144
Vladimir_monomakh_1-700_Jim-Baumann garbage_barge-MikeMcCabe_1-700 scharnhorst-1-350-Ulf-Lundberg scharnhorst_1-350_aftUlf-Lundberg scharnhorst_1-350_fwd-Ulf-Lundberg

More of Jim Baumann's work.
Updated 2011
