Polish DD ORP (Republic of Poland's Ship)
Blyskawica (Ligthning) preserved as floating museum in the Port of Gdynia.
Launched at 1935 in J.Samuel White & Co.Ltd, Cowes, Great Britain, fought the Germans from the first to last day
of WW2.
Data: displacement 1975/2400t, dimensions: 114x11,3x3,3m, propulsion: 2 steam Parsons turbines at
54000SHP, 42kts, crew:192, range: 3500NM at 15kts ; after 1942 she was armed with: 8x102mm, 2x2
Bofors 40mm AA, 4x20mm AA, 3 torpedo tubes, 4 DC throwers, 2 DC rack.
After the war she participated in Operation Deadlight, returned to Poland in 1947. -Marek Dąbrowski