I can’t tell you the number of times I hear that resin ships are scary or too difficult. It’s all
hype or in this case anti-hype. True the average resin ship is more expensive than an injected kit of
similar size... until you figure in the cost of adding PE and upgrading many of the poorly detailed
or overscale plastic parts with aftermarket parts. If you want good detail, included PE and a better
selection of subjects, resin ships are the way to go. You’ll use the same basic techniques as you
would on plastic with a little more cutting and different glues. You must also prime resin. No big
deal! The glues you need are high quality epoxy and CA, do not cheap out and buy hardware store 5
minute epoxy, it’s not strong enough and sets too fast. You will also want a good lacquer primer,
I prefer DuPont Lucite 131S thinned with Mr. Color Thinner. Other than that you can use the same
paints and most of the tools you’re used to using on plastic.
Other excuses for avoiding resin ships tend to be along the lines of: It’s so easy to screw it up.
Plastic is just as easy to screw up. It’s messy with all the sanding you have to do. I’m going to
show you how to eliminate most of the mess just by working smart. Resin dust is toxic! WRONG!
Properly cured resin does not produce toxic dust. Simple precautions such as a dust mask and wet
sanding are all you need. I will warn you that resin dust, like all dusts is a mechanical hazard,
but so are pollen, flour, sawdust and styrene dust; unlike those dusts resin dust does not tend to
explode when suspended in air and a source of ignition is available. Some people are allergic to
resin dust but people are allergic to all kinds of things, so unless you’re one of that unlucky set
don’t worry about it.
The kit I’ve selected is a Somers Class destroyer from Yankee Modelworks.
The techniques I’ll demonstrate can be used on any resin ship. Even the armor modelers will find
some of them useful for the resin conversions and kits with large pour plugs. Aircraft resin
parts tend to be a bit too small for some of the techniques but someone may figure out how to
modify the techniques for use on those smaller parts. Keep in mind, no kit is perfect and injection
kits have their typical problems while resin kits have another set. Normal defects for resin kits
are pinholes, voids, flash, warped thin parts and differential shrinkage. I will point them out as
we go and show you easy fixes. I’m going to assume a few things like a basic set of modeling tools
and an intermediate skill level. I’ll assume you can successfully build and paint an injected
plastic kit, what I’m going to do is show you a few tricks applicable to resin. Now on to the model....
Fig.1The box, deceptively plain looking. |
Fig.2 What’s in the box, the two hull halves, bags of
resin and white metal parts, PE fret, decals and instructions. Hulls and large
resin parts are normally wrapped with bubble-wrap and the box is filled with
Styrofoam peanuts to help prevent damage. Should you have a damaged or majorly
defective part, contact the manufacturer, most of them are very good about
replacing them.
Fig.3 Prep time, washing the resin. Resin
kits are cast in silicone rubber molds, the molds themselves leach silicone oil
to their surfaces, kit manufacturers usually use a release agent as well to
improve the release of parts and extend mold life. You want to get all that off
before you do anything else! In most cases simple dish liquid is sufficient but
I prefer to get a little more aggressive and use Westley’s Blechewhite tire
cleaner, it is made specifically to strip the silicone based tire shine products
off tires. Just hose the small parts down in a plastic tub and let soak 15
minutes or so then scrub with an old toothbrush and rinse with hot water. Repeat
for the hull parts, usually I hold them in my hand. A word of warning, WEAR
RUBBER GLOVES! Blechewhite is too harsh for much skin contact and the label
clearly warns you about it, it smells and looks like Windex on steroids. Simple
Green will also work but the smell gags me.

Parts soaking in Blechewhite, it doesn’t take much.

Now is the time to inventory the small parts and check for show stopping
defects. As you inventory and inspect them, sort them by logical types into a
compartmentalized bin as shown. It’ll help later in the construction because
you’ll know where the parts are.

Next we’ll tackle the scariest part of the build…..prepping the hull for gluing.
Some kits have a large pour plug you need to remove from the hull halves, don’t
try to razor saw or sand it off, that’s just too messy and labor intensive.
Instead we’ll work smart. Take a coarse razor saw and carefully cut a kerf along
the base of the pour plug, it only needs to be 1/16” to 1/8” deep. Next flood
the kerf with india ink, work it into the kerf with a cheap paintbrush then let
it dry. This will provide a positive depth indicator for the next step. Trust
me, follow this method for larger ships like cruisers and battleships and you’ll
be amazed how fast it is.
The “magic” tool, the Forstner bit. These bits leave a flat bottomed hole with a
center dimple, as long as the point that creates the dimple has solid resin to
start guiding the bit, you can overlap the holes by just under half the bit
diameter. The bits cut slower than regular bits and produce shavings rather than
dust. The big trick is selecting the right diameter for the hull, the bit to the
left is as wide as the hull, that’s too wide. The bit to the right is a better
choice for this hull. You can use them in a drillpress, corded drill or at least
a 12V cordless drill. The bits take more torque than regular bits so cheap
cordless drills just won’t cut it, even my 12V drill will not reliably power the
larger bit when I work on larger hulls.

The lower hull with most of the pour plug hogged off by drilling overlapping
holes with the Forstner bit. The trick is to start your holes with the edge of
the bit over the edge of the pour plug but not outside the hull margin, drill
until you hit black (that’s the kerf we cut and filled with india ink). You may
note the hole bottoms aren’t perfectly level with each other and the dimples, no
big deal. The important areas are the edges of the hull where they’ll mate, as
long as those are good and flat the minor dimples and hollows are actually a
good thing for epoxy bonding. Notice the shavings, probably 98% of the shavings
created are in the frame. A very small and simple mess with no fine airborne
dust to clean up. We’ll take of the remaining bits of pour plug and the very bow

Literally three minutes with a coarse razor saw and the last bits of pour plug,
including the chunk at the bow are gone. By using the coarse razor saw you will
avoid creating fine dust, what dust there is will just fall to the bench top.

Fig.10Repeat the previous steps
for the upper hull half. To avoid damaging any cast on details place the part on
balsa blocks, make sure the blocks do not bear on delicate details. 10b is a
side view showing block placement to avoid details. It is important to move the
blocks as you drill so the resin to either side of the pressure zone is
supported. On larger hulls I actually tack glue, using white glue, balsa blocks
in place before I start drilling.
The next “magic” tool, a simple piece of 3/8” or ½” thick glass plate with 220
grit aluminum oxide sandpaper rubber cemented to it. Because you’re going to be
working slowly and the grit is fairly coarse, dust should not be a major problem
and there just won’t be that much dust. This is the only time I dry sand resin.
Use circular motions and flip the hull end for end at least twice. Apply just a
little pressure and sand, check your work every fourth or fifth circle. Stop
when you have a line of bright, flat resin showing along the entire hull edge.
Both hull halves are done. That’s the total dust created by both parts. I told
you there wouldn’t be much dust.

Two hull halves ready to glue. The stern ends have a little more surface
irregularity but it’s all where it doesn’t matter and will actually provide some
mechanical “tooth” to the epoxy bond. Notice that the hull edges are flat and
sharp for the most part. Between the epoxy used to bond the parts and the
inevitable putty work along any major seam the slight irregularities along the
outer edge won’t show on the finished model. You will want to rinse the dust in
the dimples out before gluing. At this point the total labor time for this kit
from opening the box is 45 minutes.
Clamps? We don’t need no stinking clamps! Why use clamps that can slip or due to
wrong placement crush detail? In fact , we’re going to make sure this hull never
comes apart. Machine screws are the next “magic” trick. That’s right, we’re
going to drill and tap this hull and hide the screw heads under turrets and
deckhouses. I told you it was simple technology, it doesn’t get much simpler
than the lowly machine screw. For destroyer sized hulls I find 4-40 screws to
work most of the time, rarely I have to go smaller and use 2-56 screws. For
cruisers 6-32 and 8-32 provide more than enough strength and clamping force but
if you can hide a 10-32 that’s even better. 10-32 and 12-24 are best for
battleships. Here you see a battery drill, tapdrill with taps, drill for through
holes and the taped together hull with hole locations marked as X’s. Since the
lower hull is very thin and has a simple contour I’m just going to drill right
through both hulls with the tapdrill while they’re taped together. A small dab
of putty and quick swipe of a sanding stick will hide the holes on the bottom.
The slight darkness along the joint is just a bit of india ink stain except at
the very bow where a little of it is shadow.
Drills and taps. The tap on the left is an old broken tap I ground flat on the
end with a slight taper to the first thread to allow it to tap blind holes. The
tap on the right is a normal tap with a long taper for easily starting holes.
The darker drillbit in the package is the tap drill while the golden colored bit
is for the through holes. |
The hull taped together and marked. The hole locations and the counterbores to
recess the screwheads will all be hidden by a turret or deckhouse. I use Kapton
or polyamide tape for this since it holds well and does not stretch. |
Fig.17 Remember my comment about
differential shrinkage? There it is! The lower hull is a bit shorter than the
upper and has a slight sideways warp at the bow. After drilling and tapping the
holes I’ll cut the bow off the lower hull and glue it in place later. |
The critical alignment point on this hull is the stern. You want it lined up as
perfectly as possible. I start by applying the tape across the stern seam, then
do the tape wrap around both parts. The small X is where I intend to drill up
and install a screw from underneath, hiding it is as simple as a dab of putty
and a quick sanding. |
All holes except the one under the stern are drilled, tapped and on the upper
hull drilled again with a larger bit to allow the screw to pass through freely.
The tapped holes in the lower hull are circled in black to show where they are,
you only need to tap the lower hull holes (the reverse will be true when you
drill the hole under the stern). To determine the proper drill to use for the
through holes google “tap+drill+chart”, the best charts will have columns for
tight clearance and free slip, use the latter. The next step will be
counterboring the holes by hand and cutting the brass screws to length. |
Use a drill a few thousandths larger than the diameter of the screw head and
twist it by hand to counterbore the holes as shown. The counterbore only needs
to be deep enough to have the screw head just below flush. Do not try to use
power for this operation, it is very easy to go much too deep or even through
the hull. |
In many cases you will need to cut screws to length. You need a minimum of 5
full threads engagement but I prefer ¼” to 3/8” in resin (on large ships I will
happily go deeper). Whatever you do, do not bottom out a screw in a blind hole,
stop well short of the bottom. I find the easiest and cheapest tool to use is a
standard wire stripper with a built in screw cutter. I have a screw threaded
into the top at the 4-40 location and just above the word press is a previously
cut screw. I have the hand strength to easily cut brass or mild steel screws in
4-40, 6-32 and 8-32 but I find from 8-32 up with mild steel screws it is very
easy to get part of your hand caught as you squeeze the handle because you’re
thinking force not finesse, in that case I use a hacksaw with the screw held in
a vise. |
Upper hull with screws in place, note they are all below flush with the deck. Do
not try to really tighten them, you don’t need that much force and risk
stripping the threads in the resin lower hull. Simply snug them down with the
torque you can apply with your thumb and one finger on the screwdriver, that is
sufficient at this point. Double check your alignment after snugging the screws,
now is the time to fix any problems. If there is a misalignment use a needle
file to slot the through hole a little towards the direction you want to slide
the parts, a little play won’t hurt. |
The underside of the stern with the screw in place. It is below flush and well
away from the rudder mounting point, you’ll understand why when we mount the
rudder later. A small dab of putty and a quick sanding will render the screw
invisible. |
The underside of the bow showing two screw holes and the line I have drawn to
cut the bow away. One reason I drilled through on this hull is to show you
approximately how much room to leave between the foremost screw and the cutline.
You want to leave sufficient resin forward of the screw hole to prevent a
fracture later when you apply the final torque and to allow for a cavity I’ll
describe shortly. |
After cutting the bow off with a coarse razor saw file a chamfer on the edge of
the mating face. Make sure to stop 1/16” to 1/8” from the outer edge. The
purpose of the cavity thus formed is twofold. First to allow the epoxy used to
bond the hull a place to ooze and not affect later gluing in that area. Second
if, like this hull, there will be a significant gap that needs to be resin
filled it adds a mechanical key for the resin to grab. Notice how close to the
threaded hole the chamfer is, this is one reason to leave a good space between
the hole and the cut. |
Here are two types of suitable epoxy for bonding hulls. The stuff in bottles is
30 minute epoxy made by National Hobby Products and is often relabeled for hobby
stores. It is strong enough for destroyer and small cruiser hulls. It has a long
enough working time for both but you’re pushing the limit on a cruiser. The box
is Devcon steel filled epoxy putty, this stuff is extremely strong. It is
suitable for all types of resin hull bonding and the aluminum filled version is
USN approved hull patching material. It can be mixed by weight or volume, don’t
be tempted to vary the ratio too far or it will set too fast or may not set at
all. Mixed per the directions you’ll have an approximate working time of 45
minutes, you’ll need at least half of the time. |
Make sure you have everything needed for gluing ready before mixing the epoxy.
Here are what I consider the minimum tools and supplies: a disposable mixing
cup, popsicle sticks for mixing and applying, a spatula for scraping excess
epoxy, napkins for wiping the spatula, a screwdriver, the hulls, the screws in
a tin where they won’t roll off the bench, 3 disposable gloves, q-tips and
acetone for wiping the hull clean at the end. Make sure to leave yourself at
least an hour of uninterrupted time before starting to glue the hull. |
Now it gets messy. On the upper hull notice I slotted the forward most screw
hole, it was too tight a fit otherwise. Also note the black line marked across
the hull. The line is where the lower hull ends after cutting off the bow, do
not forget this line or you’ll have a mess to clean up. The lower hull has been
“buttered” with epoxy using a popsicle stick, you can see to the left the edge
of one of the slight depressions from the Forstner bit. As thick as this epoxy
is you can now see why I said not to worry about the uneveness in the middle of
hull pieces. One advantage to this type of epoxy is it is thixotropic, that
means it is a gel in its normal state but shear stress makes it behave like a
liquid while the shear force is applied. You have now learned a new polysyllabic
word to impress your friends. |
Both hull parts have been “buttered” and excess epoxy left in the mixing cup. Do
not throw it out yet, save it to make sure of the cure. You can see how messy
the epoxy is, the other type is more liquid and even messier. Aren’t you glad I
told about the gloves? Try to only hold the messy hull parts with one hand so
the glove on the other stays mostly clean, you’ll end up changing the messy
glove in a few minutes. On both hulls I have stopped the epoxy just short of the
cut at the bow, don’t worry some will ooze in there and even if it doesn’t we’ll
fix the slight gap later. The next step is to mate the parts and snug the
underside screw into place, just snug it for now. Install the topside screws
starting aft and moving forward, just snug them down finger tight. Make sure the
parts are aligned and snug the screws down using your thumb and one finger on
the screwdriver, by now epoxy should be oozing out of the seam. Use the spatula
and scrape the globs off, wipe the spatula on one of the napkins, don’t try to
be too neat yet. Now go back and give each screw another ¼ turn, repeat the
scraping. Let the hull sit for a few minutes, scrape then add another 1/8 turn
torque to the screws, repeat scraping. |
Here is the hull after the first tightening of the screws. My glove has some
epoxy on it but by the time I finish scraping the major squeeze out off the hull
it’ll be much messier. Notice how much epoxy has squeezed out along the seam. |
A view into the cavity, notice the tiny bead of epoxy that’s oozed into it.
Since the epoxy isn’t beyond the edge of the cut you can just leave it alone,
remember to check this spot before you think you’re done. You can see a line of
squeeze out along the seam and the major drawback to drilling through the lower
hull. The dot of epoxy on the lower hull is where the screw pushed some out. |
The screws are as torqued as they’re going to get and the epoxy has finally
stopped oozing in large amounts. As you can see the hull is a mess right now but
the gross cleanup is done. Throw away the messy napkin and change your messy
glove now. |
With the new clean glove on your hand, handle the hull by areas that do not have
epoxy on them. Using q-tips wet with acetone scrub the excess epoxy off the
hull. Make sure to get every little speck of it off and check to make sure you
didn’t leave a finger print of it from your first messy glove somewhere on top.
You may find small amounts of epoxy still oozing out of the seam, use the
spatula to scrape them off and go back to acetone and q-tips. Finally take a
piece of napkin wet with acetone and wipe down the entire hull. The goal is to
only have epoxy visible along the seam and in this case where the holes are
drilled through the lower hull. You want the epoxy in both areas to be slightly
concave, you do not want to try sanding it off after it’s cured. Keep checking
the seam for squeeze out for about 45 minutes. At this point set the hull aside
overnight for the epoxy to fully cure. The total labor time from opening the box
until now is one hour and forty-five minutes, we have not made a huge mess with
resin dust and we have not used finicky clamps. |
Various views of properly cleaned epoxy. Make sure to check for ooze around screw heads.
Using a slow setting, thick CA such as the Slo-Zap shown, it is now time
to glue the bow piece in place. Spread a film on the bow piece itself, set in
place, line up and hit the seam with accelerator. As soon as you’re sure the CA
has set sand off any that has oozed out on the hull, if you wait too long the CA
will be harder than the resin. |
Fig.41 Next use clear
packing tape to mask the area around the gap, press it down tight and burnish
it. Make sure the tape is pressed tightly into any slight step along the seam,
the resin we’re going to use to fill the gap will seep into the smallest
crevices. Cut a small hole in the tape at the center so you can use a disposable
pipette to inject the resin.
Fig.42 The first photo
shows the tip of the pipette in the hole and the resin being injected, the small
amount that has leaked around the hole shows why you want to mask a large area
around the gap. The second photo is the resin filled gap. Don’t worry about the
little concavity where the hole in the tape is, once the resin is cured we’ll
fill that when we putty the hull.
Fig.43 Now that the
resin has cured the tape has been removed and I’ve combined several simple
steps. This photo shows the entire hull bottom with a centerline marked, holes
for pedestals drilled and tapped and minor defects marked in red to pay
attention to when the hull is puttied and sanded. I find the best location for
pedestals is one third the total length of the hull from each end, it just looks
balanced. Since I use lamp shade risers the correct thread to tap is ¼”-28, most
hardware stores carry a tap and tap drill set in this size. Do not try to drill
the full sized hole in one shot, start with something like a .040” bit, then
step up to 1/8” and finally the full size bit.
Fig.44 This is a
closeup of the forward pedestal hole, notice the edge has a slight chamfer from
a countersink, it makes things a little neater. The hole looks off center but it
isn’t, the centerline was off to one side about a millimeter so I shifted the
first drill bit off the line just enough to truly center the hole. Always sight
down the hull when you first place the bit to make sure it’s centered. The two
left red circles show minor concavities in the hull that will need to be puttied
and the right red circle shows a small bit of excess resin that will need to be
sanded off. I find marking these kinds of minor defects helps me when it comes
time to apply putty and sand.
Fig.45 The lamp shade
risers temporarily screwed into place just to show you what they look like. Most
hardware stores carry at least one style of them and they make nice quick
display pedestals. Stores that specialize in lighting and lamps generally have
at least a dozen styles to choose from, some of which are more appropriate to
larger ships. At this point I make a wooden base for the model, I prefer a fine
grained hardwood such as cherry or curly maple but you can use whatever pleases
you. If I’m not going to have an acrylic case made I size the base 1”-2” longer
than the model at each end and ¾”-1” wider than the widest part of the hull one
each side. The smaller dimension is for destroyers and light cruisers, I allow a
little more for larger ships like heavy cruisers, battleships and carriers. The
details of making the base are beyond the scope of this article.
Fig.46 The Somers class as built had
portholes in the hull, the kit does not. The hardest part of drilling portholes
is lining them up so they don’t look snaggle toothed, followed by accurately
spacing them. Another “magic” tool is the screw adjustable compass, it can be
used for more than just drawing circles. Luckily I have plans on CD for the
class and it was a relatively simple matter to redraw and rescale in a CAD
program to produce a print I could work from simply by setting the compass on
the print. The portholes on this class of ships follow the deck line, which
follows the sheer, both fore and aft. Photo B shows the compass set to the
dimension from the deck surface to the centerline of the portholes, make sure to
compensate for the shaft of the point which will ride the deck edge. Allowing
the shaft of the point to slide along the deck edge and making sure to hold the
compass firmly so it stays perpendicular to the edge just follow the sheer and
mark the line. Photo C shows the forward portholes marked out, I have already
pilot drilled the upper row with a .020” bit in a pinvise. The trick is to find
one porthole you can accurately index from some fixed point on the hull and set
the compass to that dimension, place the compass point on your index and swing
the compass in a small arc that crosses the appropriate line, that’s your first
porthole center. Select the next porthole on the drawing and set the compass,
press the compass point into the resin where the first tick mark is, swing in a
small arc across the index line to mark the next porthole, repeat. I find it
helpful to mark the portholes on the drawing as I mark them on the hull. By
pressing the compass point into the resin, you provide an accurately placed
pinprick to center your pilot drill. As always, never try to drill a hole that
must be accurately located in one shot, always use a smaller pilot drill first.
Do not drill anything until all the portholes in the area are marked out. Note
that gaps in the index line are where a deck fitting interferes with the compass
point while tracing the lines. For these photos I inked the index lines as they
are faint but in normal practice I just use the pencil line. For the
historically curious my compasses were my grandfathers when he was chief
draftsman at Camp Springs Army Airforce Base in WWII, it is now Andrews AFB. |
Fig.47 Putty time! Ok, everyone hates putty work but I find it’s easy with high quality
putties. I prefer to use a polyester putty for the initial coat and large fills.
It is a two part putty that has a small range of variance allowable when mixing
catalyst into it for altering the cure time (be careful and don’t get too happy
or it will set too fast or never set at all). Be warned, this stuff STINKS! My
preferred putty is Evercoat Glaze Coat available at professional autobody supply
houses but Tamiya polyester putty works just as well if you don’t want to buy a
quart. Mix per the directions and apply with a stainless steel spatula, only mix
what you can use in five minutes or it will start to get unworkable. It is
sandable within 20-30 minutes but I prefer to wait a full hour. As you can see
I’m not real neat with the first putty application, for 3-8 hours this stuff is
a bit softer than the resin so you can sand until you hit resin without doing
more than scratching the resin. I use a coarse (220 grit) sanding stick or paper
wrapped around a block and wet sand. Sand back to the resin surface being
careful not to hollow out areas of putty where you need a little build up for
contouring. This sanding is best done at a sink with the water running. One
advantage to polyester putties is that you can change catalyst colors for
multiple coats so you can see each layer as you work. |
The rough sanded hull, notice the areas along the seam where there appears to be
a large patch of putty. Those areas are where I needed to do a little contour
building because of a minor step in the parts, it’s not as bad as it looks
though since there is at most .010” step. There are some minor scratches from
the coarse sanding stick but the next putty application and sanding will fix
that easily. |
Here is where truly good putty pays for itself, I use Spies-Hecker Permacron
7715 which is a solvent based putty like the Squadron green and white putties.
Again it is a professional autobody putty, it spreads very thinly with a
spatula, sticks to both plastic and resin and can be sanded within 30 minutes
when used as a glaze coat on resin. Photo A shows both the as applied putty
(average film thickness .005” not including the few blobs) and the first pass
with a 400 grit sanding stick. Wet sand and take your time, knock the worst off
then come back with a 400 or 600 grit stick or paper and give the entire hull a
quick, light wet sanding. Notice in both photos how the putty stays in the
scratch marks, that’s what this particular putty is meant to do. Photo B shows
the stern after the final sanding, the larger dark yellow patches of putty are
over minor surface imperfections but the maximum thickness of putty in this
photo is .002”. The faint red stains are from the marks I used to indicate where
I needed putty. |
Now we start to prep some other parts that will be glued to the hull before
priming. This is the forward deck house having its pour plug removed with a JLC
razor blade saw. I like this particular saw because it leaves a very thin kerf,
is stiff and very sharp. As with the hull start the cut by laying the blade
against the bottom of the part and cut a shallow kerf into the pour plug, work
around the entire part. The shallow kerf will help guide the blade as you get
more aggressive and work to cut the pour plug away. Once the plug is cut off use
220 wet/dry paper on a piece of glass to dress the bottom of the part flat. If
you cut the plug free correctly it should take no more than two or three swipes
to flatten the bottom. Set the part side for now. |
Some deck parts are cast so the pour plug hangs off the underside of one end,
this can be difficult to remove. Using a fine razor saw I first make a stop cut
into the block that’s a little deeper than the part is thick along the edge of
the part (photo A). Then I use the part itself to help guide the saw as I cut
down into the pour plug (photo B). When you hit the stop cut, the part will pop
free. Photo C shows a different part which has been flipped to show the backside
and the slight bit of resin to file off. |
Fig.52 The most used file on my workbench is a 10” plastic laminate file. It has a
coarse side and a fine side, which is up in the photos. This type of file is
made specifically for plastic, do not use it on anything else. It cuts fast and
the fine side leaves a surface better than 800 grit paper if you do your part.
The surface it leaves is so good I have shot gloss sea blue on a recontoured
aircraft tail with no further prepaint prep. If you need a truly flat surface or
sharp corner a file is the best tool to use. Like any file do not scrub back and
forth on a part, files only cut on the forward stroke. When working on parts
like this I prefer to lay the file on the bench and drag the part towards the
handle, it gives me better control on small parts. A few strokes on the file and
this part will be ready to glue in place. |
Fig.53 Now we’re ready for our first white metal parts. These are a non-lead, soft
alloy that almost always have bit of sprue, flash and mold seams to clean up.
Just use a decent pair of diagonal cutters to snip off any sprue close to the
part. Flash can be trimmed with a scalpel or X-acto knife. Mold seams are best
dealt with using a needle file and/or sanding stick. White metal parts are
filed/sanded just like plastic, it just takes a little longer. The material is a
bit “gummy” and tends to load files and sanding sticks quickly, so I find it
best to dedicate a needle file and fine sanding stick to just white metal. In
the photo the rudder is prepped and ready to mount as are one each prop shaft
and V-strut. Compare the prepped parts to the unprepped parts next to them |
Fig.54 I have added two deck parts that will have an exposed seam and thus need filling
and sanding before painting Also visible are a few minor dents in the deck
surface that have been filled and sanded. The deck parts were glued on with CA,
use a very small dot of medium CA where the part will mount, place the part and
you’ll have a few seconds to align it properly. Once aligned add some thin CA
using the end of a wire or needle around the edges of the part, putty and sand
smooth. I waited until after sanding to ream the portholes to the final size. I
used a .040” bit since that’s the size of the portholes in the superstructure.
The forward deckhouse needed a bit of work before gluing in place. There were a
few minor surface imperfections, two portholes out of line and three with resin
in them. The latter three have a little ink smeared over them to help them pop
out a little. A bit of excess resin or slightly out of round portholes are
fairly common on resin kits, just ream them out with a drill bit and pinvise.
The two misaligned one have been puttied and sanded and just need to be drilled
out. Notice that portholes in the watertight doors are a bit smaller than the
ones in the bulkheads. |
Fig.56 The kit instructions and USN plans for the Somers class show two companionways
cut into the deck at this level. There are no thinned areas or marks to locate
them, I marked them out with the screw compass being careful to avoid
overlapping the structure underneath the deck. Mark the width just under that of
an inclined ladder. Then use a small bit in a pinvise to drill a series of holes
just inside the marks, slip the point of a #11 scalpel into a hole and gently
slice from hole to hole. Once the little chunk of resin drops free use needle
files to true up the ends and inner edge of the hole. File the outer edge and
stop when an inclined ladder freely slips into the hole. This is much easier to
do before you mount the part to the hull. |
Fig.57 The forward deckhouse glued in place along with the 1.1” gun platform. The small
gap visible has been filled with white glue. Just take a piece of wire, dip it
into a puddle of white glue and apply to the gap, let it sit a minute or two and
use a damp q-tip to swipe off any excess. White glue does shrink when it dries
so you may need a second application. |
Fig.58 I have added a small styrene triangle to the keel extension to match drawings
and photos of the ship, just CA it in place and file/sand to fair it in. The kit
prop shafts placed the props too far forward so I drilled out the V-strut
housings and the mid-shaft support to accept a .047” diameter piece of styrene
rod. Slip the mid-shaft support on the rod and slip the rod into the V-strut
then into the outlet fairing on the hull, trim the styrene rod to length until
the V-strut sits in the correct location. Next check where the mid-shaft support
should be and slide it to there, chances are you’ll need to trim the “leg” a bit
for it to fit. On the Somers class the mid-shaft support angled in toward the
keel at the hull as you can see in the photo so keep that in mind while trimming
the “leg”. Use CA to attach white metal parts, I glue the shaft to the hull
first, then the V-strut to the hull, lastly glue the mid-shaft support. Use a
little CA to fair the mid-shaft support and V-struts to the hull and sand
lightly. Always check your alignment before applying glue and check it after
each application to make sure parts didn’t shift. If you do it right no glue
will be needed where the shaft passes through the mid-shaft support or the
shaft/V-strut joint. To ensure a solid mount for the rudder I glued two pieces
of .020” brass rod into the rudder and then marked the hole locations on the
hull and drilled them, I’ll glue the rudder in place just before shooting
primer. |
This is one the few resin
kits I’ve built that doesn’t have cast in bitts which usually break off. The kit
instead has bases for the bitts cast in place. The four bases for 18” bitts
forward of the forecastle break are fine as is, just drill them out to accept
.040” diameter styrene rod, CA the rod in place and cut flush using a .060” high
spacer. The reason I use styrene rod here is that .040” and larger sizes tend to
be truly round and brass rod that heavy can damage the flush cutters. The four
aft bitt bases are a little off, they are for 10” bitts and there should be six
bitts aft of the forecastle break. The aft most pair are located properly but
like the pair a bit farther forward they have a larger footprint than the 18”
bitt bases. So I shaved them off and using my plans located where the six bitts
should go. I used a Chopper to cut some strip styrene, .015”x.080” stock, to a
length that looked right. Pick up the pieces with the tip of a sharp needle and
apply a tiny drop of CA to the underside and place on the deck, make sure to
leave a little room at the outer edge for the railings later. Drill two holes in
each to accept a piece of .033” diameter brass rod, CA the rod in place. Cut to
length with a small jig laid against the bit as shown, I used .015” and .040”
styrene laminated. Once all the bitts are cut flush, lightly sand the tops to
just remove the cut marks. |
Like most resin kits you’ll
need to dig up your own anchor chain and drill out the hawse pipes. I like to
start with the hull side and drill a little deeper while reaming the hole up to
correct size to allow the anchor stock to enter realistically. For the deck
hawse pipes I first select a chain of proper size (I’ll be using 42lpi from
Tiger Model Designs on this ship) and then using several drills in a pinvise to
drill and ream the hawse pipe to a size large enough to just accept the chain
and deep enough that at least one link disappears inside the hole. US DD’s only
had one capstan so only one chain routes around it before entering the chain
locker, the other chain is stoppered and runs into the chain locker. The two
cylindrical items forward of the capstan represent the pivoting chain locker
entries as used on US DD’s. Drill the aft end of one to accept the chain and the
forward end of the other. Be very careful as you’ve only got about .005” wobble
room for the drill bits. |
Final delicate hull details are the chocks and prop guards. I have used a spare
set of white metal chocks from an old Classic Warships light cruiser and made an
RTV mold then cast them in resin. They have been sanded thinner and slightly
shorter to better fit a destroyer. Simply repeat the compass trick to locate one
edge of the chock and CA them in place. Chocks should be flush to the edge of
the hull. Next mark the location of the prop guards using the compass to locate
the parts and a ruler for the straight lines. Then use various bits of styrene
strip to build the prop guards, I make a quick and dirty jig from aluminum strip
bent to shape and tack the horizontal member of the prop guard to it with a dab
of CA at the ends. I deliberately make the styrene strips too long, then dip
into boiling water for 20 seconds to set the shape of the strips. Once cool cut
to length at the correct angles and CA to the hull. Add the verticals and you’re
good to go. Now glue the rudder in place and set the hull aside for priming.
Just so you know, even with little details like correcting the bitts and adding
portholes the total labor time for the parts you’ve seen is only about 4.5
hours. |
An alternate method to razor sawing the pour plug off is to use a regular drill
bit, turned by hand, to hog out the middle of the plug. It cuts down a little on
the sawing and the slight hollows in the base of the part allow it to be dressed
flat a little faster. As long as the hollows are not too close to the edge they
will not affect gluing the part in place.
A few of those little bubbles I mentioned as typical resin kit defects. They are
caused by tiny air bubbles trapped in the resin during molding. On better kits
they are small and very few in number, in fact these two parts and the stack
uptake are the only parts in this kit with this defect. I have circled them with
a black Sharpie. |
Fig.64 The fix is an
easy one. Using a drill in a pinvise that’s the same size or a tiny bit bigger
than the bubble, drill it out just enough to slide a piece of styrene rod into
it. Dip the end of the rod in CA, slide into the hole and snip off so a little
protrudes. Once the CA has cured go back with a #11 scalpel and slice close to
the surface, if you’re good you can slice right to the surface and you’re done.
For the larger rod on the bridge roof I sliced close and used a sanding stick to
finish it off. Once primed and painted you’ll never know those bubbles were
Fig.65 Now we’ll move on to another
defect fix and starting subassemblies. In this case the defect is twofold, I
broke the part while removing the pour plug and the “wings” have a slight
downwards warp. If this was a more massive or difficult to replicate part I’d
use either boiling water or a heat soak in the oven to fix it. Since it is just
a .030” thick deck piece I made a new one from styrene stock. My kit had both
white metal and resin stack uptakes, the resin was cleaner and a much better fit
so I’m using that one. The red putty is where there were a few minor bubbles and
this part is a simple enough shape to use putty then sand smooth. The square
hole in the broken deck piece sits over a square boss on the uptake, using the
original part for dimensions I selected bits of strip and sheet stock to build
the new deck piece in place on the uptake. Use the raised boss to locate the
parts, when you glue the largest part in place have the uptake tacked in place
with white glue on the hull so you get the deck piece level with the deck house
the aft end sits on and centered along the hull. I started with the largest part
first, once the CA for it was cured I dismounted the uptake from the hull
(cleaning off the white glue from both parts) then added the forward most piece
of styrene. It’s a simple matter to then select some strip and fill in the gaps
along the sides. Two minutes with a tool similar to “The Chopper” and the wings
were cut to shape then CA’ed in place. Be careful not to get too much CA under
the deck parts as it is very difficult to file or sand down there and it is
visible. A little excess CA up top won’t hurt since you can easily file or sand
it back. Photos show the deck around the stack to be flush with the rest of the
decking in that area and the raised boss on the uptake isn’t quite high enough
so a little putty and sanding is called for. I’ll add the torpedo base when I
add the stack. |
Probably the most difficult thing to mold in resin is a hollow part, stacks are
a prime example. Most resin kits have at best a 1/8” to 3/16” deep recess cast
into the top of the stack. I prefer a much deeper recess so the stack looks
hollow. Very carefully you can drill or grind out the stack, I do mean VERY
carefully. In this case I used pinvises and drilled through a 1/8” hole, after
using a .040” bit to drill a fairly deep pilot hole. Then I used 5 more bits and
gradually reamed the hole up in diameter, you can see in the second photo that I
did not try to go full diameter for the full depth and left small steps deep
inside. Finish up with some 400 grit paper wrapped around a bit shank. Once
mounted and painted black inside you will have the illusion of a hollow stack. |
The stack and uptake subassembly ready to prime and paint. To make the torpedo
base use a hole punch and then lightly sand any burrs off the edge. Mark its
location and glue in place, since it’s styrene to styrene here I used regular
liquid styrene cement. Then mount the stack with CA. In both cases hold the
uptake in place on the hull and check alignment before applying glue. After
letting the CA for the stack cure add the steamline for the whistle from .020”
rod. Next take a piece of .020” thick strip and cut a platform, make sure to
slot it for the steamline, CA in place. Add two small braces under the platform
of .015” rod and lastly add a small bit of .030” rod for the whistle body. Set
this aside until it’s time to paint, I’ll add the PE stack grate, ladder and
railing for the platform later. |
Most resin kits simply supply a solid bridge with window framing, this kit has a
hollow bridge with some minor detail inside and PE window frames. I’m going to
add a few more details after the basic painting is done. For now we need to
enclose the bridge and do any needed sanding. The kit supplies two PE bridge
faces, for the Somers and Warrington as built use the Somers bridge face, we’ll
also use a bit of the Sampson bridge face. The Somers bridge face only gives you
the window frames, the door sections are cut off the Sampson part. First bend
and fit the window frames, I needed to trim away a little resin where it meets
the splinter shield. Once you’re sure the fit is good, CA in place and file the
resin along the deck edge so it’s flush on the outer face. Next cut the doors
off the Sampson part, just cut along the fold line and file/sand the edge so
it’s straight. There is a box on each side of the pilot house you need to cut
away with a scalpel. Fit the parts as shown and CA in place, I ran the CA along
the inside to avoid having excess in those tight exterior corners. I’ve also
added two PE liferings from my spares box. Drawings and photos show an airtight
door here, not a watertight door, I’ll add some from my spare PE frets later. At
this point check the fit of the roof part but do not glue in place yet. |
The last thing to do before setting the bridge assembly aside for painting is
drill the signal halyard holes in the flag bags. The Somers class as built had
five halyards per side. I use a .010” or .0125” bit for this, much smaller and
you just end up breaking a lot of bits. Drill the holes at least 1/32” deep with
1/16” being even better. Had these been white metal flag bags I’d have cleaned
up one and cast copies in resin, white metal is a real pain to drill with bits
that small and it tends to eat bits like a kid eats candy. |
Next we want to cleanup the torpedo tubes and turrets. The torpedo tubes have
been cut from their pour blocks, they have a few minor defects. There is a
little flash between the tubes forward, a quick scrape with the edge of a #11
scalpel removes it. There is a little excess resin between the tubes underneath
but this is not really visible once the tubes are mounted, you can carve it out
if you desire. The final minor defect is the back end of the tubes isn’t round,
it’s slightly stepped but it’s an easy fix I’ll show you in a few minutes. The
turrets have no pour blocks per se, they just have a little excess to the base
that fits into their mounts. Razor saw 2/3 of that off. The defects the turrets
have are minor amounts of excess resin from mold damage. On the bottom simply
file it off taking care to preserve the chamfered edge at the rear of the sides.
There is some inside the gun slots, carve it away with a microchisel. |
I will be using L’Arsenal 5”-38 brass barrels instead of using either of the two
styles of kit supplied white metal barrels. The kit barrels are all badly
stepped, to the point that sanding them round would leave half the original
diameter. The other problem has to do with how they sit in the turret. Prior to
the war the Somers and Warrington rarely had blast bags mounted, in fact Somers
never shows blast bags while painted in her prewar scheme. The rotator for the
gun barrel is set well back into the turret as shown in the photo of Somers
sometime in 1938 as shown in the photo. The kit barrels have the rotator
protruding a good bit and it’s just easier to use the plain brass barrels rather
then cut the mounting slot deep enough to recess the rotator. To prep the
turrets drill a hole in the bottom of the turret base so you can glue a “handle”
of styrene rod in for painting. Then drill two .031” holes in the faces of the
gun slots to accept the shank on the L’Arsenal barrels. Make sure to get the
holes lined up with each other. Dryfit the guns and check that they line up
parallel from the side. There is a little wiggle room and getting them parallel
from above is easy. DO NOT glue the guns in place at this time. The turret and
barrels will be painted the proper color first and the gun slots then painted
black, only then will the guns be glued in place.
The only thing the torpedo tubes need, besides drilling a small hole in the
bottom to take a styrene rod painting handle, is to hide the stepped back end.
Using a Waldron or similar punch and die set make some .010” thick styrene discs
.063” diameter. Use the point of a sharp needle to pick up the disc and
carefully place it on the rear of the torpedo tube that already has a tiny drop
of CA. |
The kit’s white metal and PE 1.1” AA gun and two assembled L’Arsenal 1.1” AA
guns. I’m using the L’Arsenal guns because I like the round barrels and extra
little details better. The resin guns are very fragile but in typical L’Arsenal
fashion are so well cast that separating from their pour blocks and clean up is
simply a matter of a sharp scalpel and tiny bit of care. L’Arsenal gives you a
small PE fret with handwheels, gunner’s seats and sight bar. To glue the
handweels in place a tiny drop of medium CA on the gun base then lick the end of
a toothpick and pickup the wheel with it, place it on the drop of CA. |
Fig.74 A few details need to be
scratchbuilt. The three parts to the left are simply modified white metal parts
from my spares box, I added some styrene bits and will use these inside the
bridge, Shepard Paine dubbed this “creative gizmology” and in this scale it’s
close enough to give an impression of detail. The four parts to the right are
cowl vents, mushroom vents and a smoke generator, which the kit lacks. The
mushroom vent was turned from brass on my lathe, I made four for this model. The
two cowl vents are built up from bits of styrene rod to replicate those shown on
the plans. The cowl vent is made up mostly from styrene rod CA’ed together. The
bell of the cowl is 1/16” brass tube reamed out with a drill bit so the wall is
only .005” thick then belled with the tip of a ballpoint pen. Carefully cut the
bell off the tube with a razor blade saw and CA to the styrene, sand the outer
part of the joint to fair it in. Then carefully take a drill and ream out the
inside and drill into the plastic a little to give an impression of depth. The
smoke generator is a quick resin cast copy of one from my spares box. Note the
parts are mounted on styrene or brass rod “handles” stuck into a balsa block to
make painting easier.
Cable/hose reels, rafts and boats. The rafts and boats are built right from the
kit parts with just a little clean up needed on the white metal. Two of the
boats have .0125” diameter phosphor bronze wire glued in place at the ends,
these wires will replicate the ropes used to hang the boats from davits. I do
not add the boat props until much later. The cable and hose reels are either
from my spares box or a dedicated PE fret such as Gold Medal Models or White
Ensign Models produce. The actual cable or hose is easy to make. Start by
selecting a styrene rod that’s approx. .030” smaller in diameter than the PE
reel end, we’ll call it the core. Tack a piece of .010” styrene rod
perpendicular to the core with CA then tightly wrap it around, tack the other
end of the .010” rod to the core with CA. Repeat as many times as you need reels
in that core diameter leaving a small gap between sets of windings. Using Tamiya
extra thin cement, lightly flood the windings and let dry, make sure the
windings are not touching anything. I’ve tried other liquid cements and they all
turn the windings into mush, the Tamiya cement is just aggressive enough to bond
them to the core without turning them into a blob. When dry use a razor blade to
slice the windings and core to the length needed. CA the reel ends in place then
slip into the mount, insert a piece of brass rod and apply a little CA to hold
things in place. A little paint and a light wash will make the windings “pop”
and your reels will look like they’re properly wound with cable or hose. All
these parts are ready to prime and stuck onto masking tape rolls; I find it
handy to do this as soon as the part is done. |
Fig.76 Everything is now ready to
prime. The PE fret is taped to a piece of cardboard, the larger parts are stuck
to rolls of masking tape on small boxes, the smaller parts are mounted on
styrene rod, brass rod or toothpick handles stuck into balsa blocks, the barrels
and crane parts are held by microalligator clips. You will need to paint some
parts in two steps, start with those. I prefer to shoot the PE fret first with a
light coat from each of the four sides of the fret and then use the tape on one
end to hang it from a shelf edge to dry. Next I do the bottom of the hull and
place it upside down on blocks to dry. Make sure to use a low paint volume and
work all around the various angles for the prop shafts and supports before doing
the rest of the hull bottom. Next I shoot the parts stuck to tape rolls again
working from all four sides with light coats. Finally move on to the small parts
with handles, use tweezers to pull them out of the blocks by the handle and put
them into another block as you prime, this keeps you from crunching parts as you
work. At this point I just clean my airbrush tip and cover the color cup with a
bit of Parafilm and go away for 20-30 minutes while the primer dries enough to
handle. Next flip the PE fret and tape it down so the unprimed side is up then
remount the larger parts on fresh tape rolls so their unprimed areas are up.
Repeat the priming process for the PE fret, larger parts on tape rolls and do
the upper part of the hull. Clean the airbrush and allow the parts to dry at
least an hour before any other painting.
That’s all the “hard scary” parts of building a resin ship, everything else is just like injected ships, follow the directions and glue parts in place after painting the major assemblies. There is no magic involved other than a few simple tools and the normal patience needed for modeling. Sometime soon the finished USS Somers will be in the gallery.
The current Yankee Modelworks kits have decent directions with most of the destroyers being similar to this kit. White Ensign Models destroyers have slightly better directions and less massive pour plugs with those on the hull being almost non-existent. So treat yourself to a new destroyer kit and then try telling me resin isn’t fun.