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USS CAPE ST GEORGE (CG-71) "In Action" March 23, 2003
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I have been able to check the site from time to time and just wanted to send along this photo, taken 23MAR03 when we fired Tomahawks in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
All photo credits to US Navy-IS1 Kenneth Moll (unless noted), the ship's photographer who we put in our RHIB to take the shots. 
 The ship from various angles both launching and non launching.  Yes, she's a bit war weary and dirty, but we have been out to see for quite some time without a port visit. 
A US Navy photo taken before the conflict in cleaner days.
This shot was taken by LTJG Michael J. Zwierko from the pilothouse as they were transiting the Suez Canal in Egypt.
There is little or no time to build, so LTJG Zwierko spends his free time "building a photographic reference library". He has the Dragon 1/350 Aegis Cruiser kit sitting back home right now. This Bridge detail shot by LTJG Zwierko should help with the details.
A note from LTJG Zwierko "We all appreciate the sentiments from back home and it makes the job much easier knowing we have support."
LTJG Michael J. Zwierko
Anti-Submarine Warfare Officer

"Always Victorious"

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